

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Mobile Phones

They really are a great idea, so all can stay in touch,
Whether they are rarely home or do not go out much.
They give their owners freedom to make calls from any place,
Instead of ringing just from home, or meeting face to face.
But often they take over, used for endless idle chat:
“I’m going into Tesco and to Savers after that.”
“I’m standing at a bus-stop, and I’m waiting for a bus.”
“The meal was just so awful that I should have made a fuss.”
“I think it’s trying hard to rain; I hope I don’t get wet;”
“My neighbour’s cat is ill again, and gone off to the vet.”
“I really like the shoes I bought, and hope to wear them soon,”
“The woman at the check-out has a face just like a prune;”
Nothing there that’s urgent or which couldn’t wait a while,
But never-ending chatter’s now a part of the modern style.
At dinner people keep their phones in sight beside their plate,
As if expecting messages that really couldn’t wait.
They answer them when chatting to their friends without a thought,
Ignoring any manners that they once may have been taught.
They check them all the time to see if anyone has left
A text or other message; if there’s none they feel bereft.
It doesn’t matter where they are, they always feel the need
To be in touch with all the world, which nothing must impede.
They’re usually talking all the time while walking down the street,
Oblivious to anyone they know that  they might meet.
So though they have their uses, mobile phones can be a curse,
Making many people feel there’s really nothing worse
Than not being constantly in touch with all their many friends.
For this is where their social life not just begins but ends.
They can’t envisage friendships which go on with nothing more
Than memories of happy times which they have had before.

Monday, 28 March 2016


It is usually true to say
Cliques quite often bar the way
To any progress which might mean
Change to their current cosy scene.
One major side of the cliquey coin,
Is not wanting anyone else to join
They’re more than happy with just a few,
And can’t see the need for anyone new.
They like to keep to the same old ways,
Which they have followed all their days.
They don’t care that when they are gone,
Their club will not be moving on,
Unless new members join and stay
To keep the closure threat at bay.
They live for the present, while they are there,
And for the future, don’t really care.

Rain on the Window Pane

I love to sit and watch the rain
Pelting down on the window pane,
Ending its streak down from the sky,
Where its journey began on high.
Its course from above is rarely straight,
While gusting winds decide its fate,
Directing how the rain will fall
Through its mix of calm and squall.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Valuing the Vote

Those who ignore election day should stop a while and note,
That many people fought and died so they could have the vote.
Up till fairly recent times, the vote was for the few,
And people struggled long and hard to see that suffrage grew.
At first the vote was for the rich, and only men at that –
No woman, though she might be rich, could don a voter’s hat.
Later poorer men received the right to have their say;
Demands for greater suffrage simply wouldn’t go away.
Until the women also had the right to play their part
In how the state was governed; with no vote they wouldn’t start.
But there were many passing years before it reached the stage,
That equal voting rights applied to all of adult age.
So there’s an obligation not to waste what has been won,
Through all the ceaseless fighting and campaigning that was done.
It’s also quite a privilege, and as well a source of power
Which if it’s never exercised could well one day turn sour
If there’s  elected by default a government in whose sights
There is a great reduction in their people’s voting rights.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

The End of the EU?

How much longer will it last?
Has its heyday now been passed?
It started some sixty years ago,
And progress first was very slow,
With just six nations then on board,
Who signed the original accord.
Twenty years later another three
Joined that august company.
The nineteen-eighties saw three more
Apply and enter the EU door.
Eight years later another three
Decided that’s where they wished to be.
Ten more years; two thousand and four,
Marked the entry of yet ten more.
Three years later another two,
Came to share the EU pew.
Then at a much more recent date
Croatia joined, making twenty-eight.
So there are now twenty-eight in the club,
And there, of course, there lies the rub.
Twenty-eight nations won’t agree;
Some countries already want to be free
Of rule from Brussels, which ignores
Many a heart-felt national cause.
It wants to sweep onward to one big state,
At what appears a rapid rate.
But there are problems; the Greeks are bust,
But keeping the show on the road’s a must.
So they had to be helped, and the others too,
Whose debts are large and resources few.
Borders once open have now been shut,
To stop the almost unending glut
Of migrants seeking a richer life,
Away from their homelands’ corruption and strife.
Negotiations can be fraught
As nations demand what they think they ought
To gain from being part of a larger whole,
Where everyone want to have a role.
All around the signs are there,
The EU will soon likely share
The fate of other grand designs
For which today there’s no-one pines,
That in the end broke up and died,
Leaving just a few who cried.
It won’t be months; it may be years
Before it finally disappears,
But it will surely go the way,
Of an empire which has had its day.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

The Need to Change

So much evil stalks the world,
With endless violence often hurled
At people who seek only peace;
On them the ruthless types release
Their bitter hatred, caring not
Who is bombed and who is shot.
They have no feelings for mankind;
In their  hearts they do not mind
Who they kill or who they maim –
In their eyes it’s all the same.
Men of violence need to learn
How to take a different turn
And seek a faith that stands for peace,
So all their senseless hate may cease.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Special Offers

Shops have special offers but it’s often hard to tell,
If they’ve actually reduced the goods they’re trying to sell.
Three for two sounds great at first, but not if they have raised
The price for one considerably, with former price erased.
Larger packets may conceal the fact the unit price,
Is more than for the smaller pack for products such as rice.
Fruit and veg are often sold by kilos or in packs,
Or individual items which you take from piled-high stacks.
But is the special offer that is clearly on display
Really quite so special?  If you use their scales to weigh
All the different items and then calculate the cost,
Another might be cheaper; over this the shop has glossed.
Before one buys one needs to check if a special offer’s real,
Or if another version might turn out a better deal.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

The West End at Night

Endless crowds which never cease,
Meaning little chance of peace.
Voices raised above the din,
Helped along with beer or gin.
Constant traffic with more noise,
Often drunken girls and boys.
Flashing lights form neon signs,
Frequent queues in wavy lines.
Smell of food from numerous stalls,
Rubbish left just where it falls.
Ill-lit streets which make it hard
To notice every court and yard.
Rickshaws waiting for a fare,
People jostling everywhere.
Beggars settling down to sleep
With rags and blankets in a heap.
Few if any police in sight
During all the hours of night.
Building works are everywhere,
No matter where you look they’re there.
Sirens make their presence felt
As along the streets they pelt.
All is lively, loud and bright
As people all enjoy the night.
The young all love it, but for me
The country’s where I’d rather be..

Friday, 18 March 2016

True Friends

They're people with whom you are happy to share
Your hopes and your fears for you know that they care
And won't run away at the slightest upset;
People you know that you'll never regret
Giving a place in your life and your heart,
For even at times when you live far apart
You still feel their presence, as if they were there,
And when you have worries you're always aware
Of the fact you can call them and they will then rise
To listen, solve problems or just sympathise.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

To A Saved Baby

The first time I looked on your tiny wee face
I was glad I’s encouraged to finish the race
And allow you to live, instead of destroy
The sweet little girl who has brought me such joy.
My future seemed hopeless that day in the past
With so many problems, unending and vast;
I couldn’t face having a baby and so
The only solution seemed you’d have to go.
I booked my appointment, but outside the gate,
Almost as if they were lying in wait
For me to arrive, were a group deep in prayer,
Something I didn’t expect to be there.
They gave me a card with a number to ring
If I felt I would like to discuss anything,
When I came out I spoke to the girl once again,
She offered me help and that moment was when
The first ray of hope  for my future was sown
As I realised that I was no longer alone.
I decided to keep you, and though still afraid,
My worries eventually started to fade.
And now you are here, though my life might be hard,
With love and devotion to you it is starred.

The People of the UK

The people of the UK in the past have been diverse,
And this in many countries still today is quite a curse,
But though their origins reflect the lands from which they came,
The people very quickly merged and all became the same.
The Romans and the Britons very quickly settled down
And many got together both in country and in town.
The Celt soon intermarried with the Angle and the Jute,
Something that no-one today would seriously dispute.
The Saxons and the Vikings disappeared as separate tribes,
And no-one to these people separate status now ascribes.
The Normans came and they as well soon changed to Englishmen
As widespread intermarriage worked its magic once again.
The Normans were succeeded as the centuries passed by
With many different peoples who to Britain sought to fly.
Lombards and Italians, also Dutch and Huguenots,
Flemings, Poles and Germans and the others who all chose
To come and live in Britain and then vanished out of sight,
So nothing but their names remain to indicate their flight.
The same’s not true in many lands, where ethnic lines divide
The many groups of people, and still tends to over-ride
A sense of common history, and of being a nation state,
And loyalty to their country is a thing they feel can wait.
It is as if a Norman with a Saxon never mixed,
And who belonged to every group had stayed forever fixed,
As happened in so many lands where centuries have passed,
And differences between the groups is still quite often vast.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Creating a Dream

Some people dream of a world full of peace,
A time when all fighting and hatred will cease;
A world in which happiness, kindness and joy
Are all that will welcome each new girl or boy.
But it doesn’t seem likely that this will arrive,
Until there are millions determined to strive
To eradicate everything tied up with greed
And turn the power hungry away from their need
To dominate others and force them to yield,
And bow down in front of the power that they wield.
Peace is a concept that comes from above,
And only can thrive in a climate of love,
Where everyone’s thinking of  how they can best
Lay all past hatred and violence to rest.

Monday, 14 March 2016

"We Trust Women"

The slogan “We trust women” doesn’t carry too much weight
If looked at in the light of its propounders’ acts to date;
They’ve failed to put forth all the facts – or any facts at all
Which might make any client feel she should decide to stall.
Until she’s asked more questions and is really well informed,
For knowledge will quite likely see her former views transformed.
They don’t ensure she’s well aware of how her baby’s grown,
And each developmental stage is thoroughly made known.
They don’t make sure she’s seen the scans and know just what is there,
Considered whether ending her unborn baby’s life is fair.
They don’t suggest adoption, or attempt to point the way
To all the help on offer if she lets her baby stay.
They fail to stress the side effects, which often  follow on,
Occurring  months or even years after her baby’s gone.
They don’t’ discuss the truth that sometimes things go badly wrong,
So later she can’t have the child for which by then they long.
They don’t point out the ethics or the actions they propose,
Explaining all in simple terms, ensuring that she knows.
Yes, women can be trusted if they’re given all the facts,
But this is where those people tend to be extremely lax.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Creating a Family

A man and a woman are simply a pair
When there is just only the two of them there;
There may be much love which between them will flow,
Throughout all their lives and will constantly grow,
But there's no doubt the household will be more complete
When they are both ready and happy to greet
A new little person, who safely arrives
To share both their home and their love and their lives.
For a baby will not only change two to three,
But create with its presence a new family.
A place full of joy, and where also henceforth
Love goes in circles, not just .back and forth.
And when other babies arrive in their turn,
Everyone present will quite quickly learn
That love makes connections with everyone there
And grows so each new child still gets the same share.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Coffee Bars

They used to be places where no girl should go -
"You're never sure who you might meet there, you know;"
Meaning, of course, that there might be some boys,
And that should be obvious was one of the joys,
Of an evening spent sitting, cup of coffee in hand,
Hoping that one of the types that were banned,
Would notice your presence, and then start to talk,
And maybe perhaps even go for a walk.
They just weren't respectable, back in those days,
When most girls grew up under far different ways.

But coffee bars now aren't described as low dives;
As high streets are modernised soon there arrives
A branch of a chain which is aiming to serve
A wide range of coffees with panache  and verve.
They've gone quite upmarket, and now it's a fact,
Their service and decor both seek to attract
A wide range of customers, happy to pay
A couple of pounds for a coffee each day.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

The Professional Waitress

Endlessly running back and forth, delivering people's meals,
Might be the best description of just how a waitress feels
Her job should be described to anyone who wants to know,
For in a busy restaurant, she is always on the go,
Taking people's orders, making sure she's got hem right,
Whilst giving the impression that her job is her delight;
Know what the food is like so she can recommend
Something that she thinks they'll like to those who often tend
To read the menu slowly, with the waitress as their guide,
Asking lots of questions  that will help them to decide.
She never ceases smiling all throughout a tiring day,
Never letting problems of her own get in the way
Of keeping diners happy, and ensuring that they feel
The truly excellent service added something to the meal.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Pleasures of Running

Fine weather's the time to go out for a run,
It's healthy, relaxing, and usually quite fun;
Striding along on the uneven ground,
Listening awhile to the crackling sound
Of shoes upon leaves, or the small clumps of grass,
Which immediately straighten as soon as you pass.
Arms swinging gently in time with your stride,
Rather than hanging straight down by each side.
Eyes darting everywhere taking in views,
Noting the  plants and their various hues.
Ears taking in every sweet song which floats
Out of the  many and varied birds’  throats
The chance to think clearly, away from the noise,
Improving your sense of well-being and poise;
Greeting the people you pass on the way,
Keeps feelings that you are alone well at bay.
And when you get back from completing your run,
You can bask in the fact of a job that’s well done.

Friday, 4 March 2016

My Ideal Job

It really would be nice to find
The sort of job I have in mind.
Close to home – enough to walk,
Although I wouldn’t really baulk
At two or three stops on the train –
Any more I would distain.
Convenient hours – an early start,
So that I could then depart
By early afternoon each day,
Doing the shopping on the way.
Full of interest – no need to spend
Hours which never seem to end
Doing the same old boring thing –
What I want is work with zing.
Super colleagues – but of course!
The sort that always are the source
Of fun and joy and laughter too,
So every day brings something new.
And as well a super boss,
Not the type that’s mean or cross.
And also, I hardly need to say,
A very decent rate of pay.
The world, however, doesn’t teem
With the sort of jobs of which I dream,
So likely I’ll fail in my quest
And have to settle for second best.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Education the Key to Change

Education is the key
To what a child can hope to be;
In places schools do not exist
Children will be in a mist
Unable to see very far
From the village where they are.
Education changes all,
Freeing children from the thrall
Of lack of knowledge, hopes and aims,
That still today so often frames
The lives of children, especially girls,
For whom no better life unfurls
Unless they somehow get the chance,
Their education to advance.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

March Weather

There is a possibility that we shall have some snow,
With temperatures at freezing, or even just below;
It may be March, but winter time has failed to leave us yet –
It seems that snow at Easter is a fairly likely bet.
And joined up with the bitter cold, we’ve had some icy gales
When I’d prefer the wind to move about the pace of snails.
I’m waiting for the days at last when spring will come around,
And we can leave behind us all that cold and frosty ground,
And welcome in some sunny hours with birdsong in the air
And not a trace of winter’s cold still hiding anywhere.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Instead of Sweets or Chocolate or Wine

Instead of sweets or chocolates or wine,
This year I’ve taken a different line,
And given up window shopping for Lent,
Mindful of all the time I’ve spent
Throughout the year just looking at things
From clothes to chairs to diamond rings,
Which I had little intention to buy,
But gazed at them, while time flew by.
By Easter I hope I will have achieved,
Slightly more that I believed
I might, when I decided then,
I wouldn’t waste time on shopping again
For six whole weeks; enabling me
To use my time more meanfully.