

Friday, 29 April 2016

If All were Hardworking

Imagine a world where everyone worked,
And it was unthinkable anyone shirked.
Where what needed doing was instantly done,
And it wouldn’t occur to the fit they might shun
The hard work involved that they all might live well,
At the thought of hard work not a soul would rebel.
A country would end up much richer by far
If there were no indolent people to mar
The efforts of those who were trying to ensure
Their future would end up both safe and secure
Rather than facing a future that was
Poor and uncertain and mainly because
They hadn’t worked hard that their lives might improve,
Instead of remaining in poverty’s groove.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

A Man of Courage

Many important people refuse
To acknowledge the truth, but rather choose
To just pretend it doesn’t exist,
Ignoring the fact that they have missed
A chance to proclaim what they know to be right;
Instead they keep their views out of sight,
For they know they’ll be criticised if they dare
To tell the truth; as so many don’t share
A liking to know things how they are;
From the world as it is, they are often far,
Living a life that’s safe and secure,
For them the truth may have little allure,
Especially if it doesn’t conform
To what has become the current norm.
But just occasionally you will find,
A man of courage, who doesn’t mind
Standing up for what it true,
Who doesn’t care if only a few
Will be prepared to say they agree,
Though it is plain for all to see
It is the truth, though hard to bear,
To those whose beliefs tend to lead elsewhere,
Telling the truth can sometimes result
In everyone saying that they are at fault,
But the world needs more people prepared to stand
Beside the somewhat tiny band
Who have the vision to see the truth
And cannot in conscience stand aloof
And not proclaim it, because they know
That is the way they have to go.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

The Effects of Faith

Faith often plays a major part
In people’s lives; just for a start
It is a very well-known fact,
It can determine how people act.
Just think of Quakers, who don’t fight,
For they believe it’s never right.
But rather something they abhor,
While other faiths delight in war.
Or think of Catholics who believe
A child’s a gift they should receive
With endless love and care and joy,
Which they never should destroy.
Or think of Christians who’re allowed
Just one wife and not a crowd;
Or those whose faith demands that they
Fast at certain times of day,
Or cannot, though it might seem strange
Eat a widely varying range
Of different foods in common use,
For reasons that are quite obtuse.
Or Jains who always try to save
Insects from an early grave.
Or those who think that women should
Stay out of sight, for their own good,
And think it right to beat their wives,
And in extremis, end their lives.
Those whose faith demands they work,
For whom it is a sin to shirk,
And to whom it seems quite mete
The lazy have no right to eat.
Faith affects how people live,
How much they take, how much they give,
Often providing a vital link
To how they will behave and think.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Time for a New Law

Why does it happen that when companies fail
So often one finds if one follows the trail
To find out the reasons, the more that one delves,
The more one finds people were helping themselves
To all of the assets in various ways,
Keeping it hidden from everyone’s gaze,
By using the names of a series of firms,
Acting, of course, on their real owner’s terms,
The owners who only desire to ensure
Their assets increase as the firm’s become fewer.
Hundreds of millions may pass out of sight;
It may be all legal; there’s no way it’s right
That people who’ve worked all their lives should then find
The pension they hoped would ensure peace of mind
Is no longer there, as the owners have spent
The monies the workers had hoped would have meant
They’d have a small pension when they were retired
From what they’d contributed since they were hired.
Perhaps what we need is a law that would say
No owner can take all and just walk away,
Smiling and lacking the slightest regret
That they are now rich while the  firm’s deep in debt

Monday, 25 April 2016

My Printer Needs Replacing

My printer seems to have a mind which really is its own,
And never seems to listen to the times I have  moan;
The flashing light goes on and on before it starts to print,
Even though it’s rarely asked to do a le3ngthy stint.
It churns away for ages  trying to grasp a single sheet,
And when it does it often fails to come out straight and neat;
And then it takes two sheets or more, although they can’t pass through,
And so it stops, with red light on, half-printed sheets in view;
So I have to switch it off and open up the front,
Which really is a nuisance if I want to be quite blunt.
I think I’ve almost reached the stage where it will have to go,
Since it’s so temperamental and has now become so slow,
Though it’s served me very well for long years in the past,
I really need a new one that’s reliable and fast.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Still Hoping for Spring

Maybe winter isn’t over, and the spring has still to come,
For the recent warmth has vanished, and again I’m cold and numb;
When we had those days of sunshine, I was sure spring  had arrived,
And I offered up a thank you that the winter I’d survived.
But it seems I spoke too early, for the rain and wind and snow,
Have returned and wrought their havoc everywhere on earth below.
So I wait till it all passes and I can correctly say,
Spring’s arrived in all its beauty, rather than just on the way.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Stop Interfering

The world might be a better place if countries would refrain
From interference in affairs outside of their domain;
Leaders may enjoy the chance to move to centre stage,
Pontificating loudly as they’ve done in every age;
Telling other leaders how they ought to rule their lands,
Suggesting that their people are in danger in their hands;
Encouraging dissension and the rise of rebel groups,
Hinting they might be prepared to arm the rebel troops.
Making deals behind the scenes, that no-one outside knows,
So they later can withdraw if opposition grows.
Invading other countries that to them present no threat
Just because demands they’ve made they’re sure will not be met.
If only powerful countries would but cease to interfere
In things that don’t concern them, then it really does seem clear
The world might be much better, for this would seem the cause
Of so much trouble everywhere, as well as constant wars.

I'd Like to Have a Boat

I’d really like to have a boat and sail the seven seas,
Free to roam the oceans and just going where I please;
Enjoying all the sunshine and the warm winds in my face,
Never spending endless years confined to a single place.
Enjoying all the freedom of the chance to move around,
Knowing if I want a change I can be onward bound;
But at the moment that’s a dream and I am stuck on land,
At most I can but hope to join the weekend sailing band.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Daffodil Time

Spring’s the time for daffodils;
Their yellow petals and trumpet frills
Bring touches of sun to every room
Even if sunless as a tomb.
Their colours vary from dark to light,
With petals of some being almost white;
Their trumpets come in various hues
About which one could much enthuse;
Ranging from peachy-pink to cream,
They form a perfect colour scheme.
The flowers can range from large to small
Their stalks from short to fairly tall,
Their scent wafts gently in the air,
Keeping one conscious that they are there.
They’re part of our lives as every year
They show winter’s gone and that summer is near.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

The Angelus Bell

The church bell rings the Angelus at morning, noon and night;
To some it are a blessing, but to others it’s a blight.
Perhaps the views are different due to what they represent,
Reminding all the faithful of the angel who was sent
To bring the news to Mary, if her will was to agree
The mother of God’s only son, her destiny would be.
The bell rings daily to remind the people of the way
That Mary’s “yes” meant changes that continue to this day,
For Christ was born of Mary, consequently on her “yes”
And so God’s Son came down to earth, man’s sins there to address.
But unbelievers only hear the noise the bell can make,
Uncaring of the link to Christ, who died for mankind’s sake.
And so they sometimes get annoyed and say it shouldn’t ring,
Ignoring all the comfort that to others it might bring.

Monday, 18 April 2016

A New Name can Change your Life

If you name is rather long
Or if you feel it just sounds wrong,
Not reflecting your true self,
Then take another off the shelf
That helps portray the person who
You feel is really, truly you.
But how to choose the one that’s right,
To help your future look more bright?
It should be something everyone
Will think okay, instead of shun.
Something simple to recall
Easily pronounced by all;
But also something not too plain
Or it won’t be to your gain.
Something which will seem to say,
You’re black or white, but never grey.
Writers, actors, artists too
On taking on a name that’s new
Have often found it changed their lives,
And under it success arrives.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

April Weather

April’s a time when the weather can change
From freezing to boiling and still be in range
Of what is expected in April each year,
When skies can be cloudy or sunny and clear.
And temperatures rise and then fall back again,
Bringing down snowflakes or hailstones or rain.
Nothing is certain from one day to next;
The weatherman sometimes may seem quite perplexed
Not knowing if he should produce hot or cold.
For April is often a very mixed mould.

Inner Beauty

He saw her and almost immediately knew
That this girl was one of the very rare few
Who just seemed to radiate goodness and joy,
Backed by a faith that no man could destroy.
It wasn’t her looks or her figure he saw
But something more precious that she had in store,
A something which he was aware he had found
Which seemed to shine out and light up all around.
He realised that this was the girl he had sought
For many a year, but with never a thought
That she would be living along the same street,
But years would pass by them before they would meet.

Friday, 15 April 2016


Cakes have such a lovely smell,
They also taste so nice as well,
Especially if they’re filled with cream
And loads of jam, that makes them seem
So light and fluffy and so sweet,
They really are a welcome treat.


Endless hours spent tramping the streets,
Smiling sweetly at all whom one meets;
Giving out leaflets and asking for votes,
Ready to pass on your candidate’s quotes.
Spreading the message – the ins and the outs,
Encouraging those who appear to have doubts
To think of the issues, decide what is best -
Your candidate’s views – or those of the rest.
Noting their answers  so you can record
The names of all those who might well come aboard
And vote for your party and help them to win;
Every vote is important if they’re to get in.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

The Mayoral Election

The days are quickly passing by
Until the 5th of May when I
And many millions will decide
The candidate we want to guide
This city for the next four years;
For some it will all end in tears
For they will find they’ve no support,
All their hopes at once cut short.
But one of them will gain the prize
And as the new mayor will arise
To take on that most daunting task,
The size of which one cannot mask.

A Fatal Mistake

With earphones in he couldn’t hear
The vehicle that was drawing near.
He didn’t even hear the horn,
That the driver used to warn
That he should very quickly move;
Out of the way; and that would prove
A most unfortunate mistake,
The last that he would ever make.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Nicer with Sunshine

Sunshine always makes one feel
Everything is much more real;
The flowers seem brighter, grass more green,
In a vivid country scene.
Shiny car-tops sparkle bright,
In the sunshine’s powerful light.
Heat reflects up from the roads,
And greenery everywhere explodes.
People stroll in lighter dress,
Smiles abound, with frowning less.
Birds make music in the trees,
And often there’s the sound of bees.
Everything is nicer when
The sun is shining once again.

Monday, 11 April 2016

How Nice It Would Be

How nice it would be if all were polite,
And cases of rudeness a hardly known sight;
If people were thoughtful and all stopped to think
How high they could fly, not how low they could sink.
If everyone aimed to aspire to the best,
In dealing with others, and made this their quest
If all made an effort to show that they cared,
If the good things on earth were more equally shared.
If love was the watchword, and hate was despised,
And efforts to bring about peace were much prized.
It shouldn’t be hard  for all people to see
How very much better our lives would then be.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Time for Women Leaders

It really might be better if more women were in power,
With all their many talents which would have the chance to flower.
Men have been so long in charge, it’s now the women’s turn,
Especially as so many men have such a lot to learn
In running a successful state, at peace and not in debt,
Where poverty is something past, and people’s needs are met.
A woman leader can be good, for usually on the whole
They tend to bring more calmness and reflection to the role.
They’re not as quick to take offence, or seek to pick a fight,
And usually more compassionate to other people’s plight.
They’re used to juggling many things and keeping all in mind,
Ensuring all is up to date and nothing left behind.
Their powers to think things clearly is the same as any man’s
And many women have the strength a leader’s role demands.
How many changes might there be if women made up half,
Of all the leaders in the world, as well as female staff.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Advice to Politicians

Politicians should once more
Make sure they aren’t shown the door
Because they keep some funds abroad,
Even though there is no fraud;
But they have failed to make it clear
Their money’s scattered far and near.
So when much later it’s revealed
That they seem to have concealed
Details of their careful plans
To keep some money in other lands,
There is always an excellent chance
That many people will look askance,
And with a view far from benign,
Demand they instantly resign.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Wouldn't It be Great

Wouldn’t it be really great if working hours were less,
And every job was fun to do, devoid of any stress!
With colleagues who were also friends outside of working time,
And no-one trampled others down to help their upward climb.
And wages, too, were rather good, with lots of cash to spend,
Together with security that all would never end.

Tax Havens

Countries where the wealthy tend to look to keep their cash,
With few if any questions asked about the largest stash;
Money can be transferred there and then withdrawn quite soon;
With many short-lived bank accounts, their banking world is strewn.
Their rates of tax are very low, if they exist at all,
So tax on any profits gained will always be quite small.
They’re good at keeping secrets, and believe that none should know
About the billions every year which through their systems flow.
They’re happy with the companies that they know are just a shell,
Used for moving money round and hiding it as well.
There’s much that is quite legal, though perhaps not moral too,
With all the sums deposited, or merely passing through.
But there is little doubt that crooks of them make constant use,
Providing as they do the means by which they can reduce
Their millions of ill-gotten gains to funds that can’t be traced;
With no-one asking questions on  just what their wealth is based.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

The Ukraine

The largest country that’s all within Europe,
Bounded by others on every side;
And as is the case with most states that aren’t island,
With many of them their long history’s been tied.

The earliest people who lived in the region,
Thirty-four thousand long years in the past,
Were later succeeded by tribes from all over
The lands east and west, where such movements were vast.

It’s heyday occurred in the time of St. Vladamir,
Prince of the powerful Kievan Rus state;
Three centuries later the land was fragmented
And rule by its neighbours by then was its fate.

Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire,
Poland as well ruled Ukrainian land,
With Russians and kings from as far as the Baltic
Joining and leaving the conquering band.

A Cossack republic was later created;
This lasted two centuries, then was replaced
By neighbouring kings based in Russia and Poland -
With new foreign rulers again they were faced.

Last century saw it twice gain independence;
Both were short-lived; in the end it became
A part of the Russian led Soviet Empire,
Though being independent was most people’s aim.

This came about only twenty-five years ago,
When the Soviet Union at last fell apart;
The Ukraine once again gained its full independence  
And it as a nation could make a fresh start.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Eating Out

Although I can cook, I always feel
It’s nice to go out for a special meal
And eat in a place where everything’s done
And I can just enjoy the fun
Of chatting and laughing without the need
To think of the guests I have to feed.
Not only that but the atmosphere
Of a candle-lit restaurant, with the ear
Assailed with music softly played,
Creates good memories which should not fade.

How to Treat Venomous Comments

If someone that I do not know
Down the path decides to go
Of saying hateful things or worse
Should that cause me to immerse
Myself in feelings of low esteem?
No, for I hope I would not dream
Of being depressed by people who
Have nothing in their lives to do
But criticise and try to hurt
With words which are unkind or curt.
No, I should either just ignore
Their comments, treat them as a bore,
And concentrate on what is good;
That’s the path I know I should
Follow when I’m faced with those
Whose bitter hatred from them flows.
For if I do not them respect,
I really feel I can neglect
To take their words into my heart,
And let them tear my soul apart.
Only bitter words which flow
From the lips of those I know
And look upon with love and joy
Can my confidence destroy.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Changing to Summer Time

The end of March, and it’s time to switch
To summer time; a change for which
I’m always glad, as it will endow
Each afternoon with an extra hour
Of daylight, which I can enjoy;
An extra hour I can employ
To get things done which need the light,
Which darkness can so often blight.
I don’t mind getting up at dawn,
Before the morning sun has drawn
Itself to rise up in the east,

If this means evening’s light’s increased.