

Friday, 30 September 2016

A Living Room for Winter

I really need a change of scene within my living room,
Replacing all that’s pale and drab and gives an air of gloom
When longer nights and weaker sun make everything less bright
And often I’ll be working there for many hours each night.
And so to make me happier, I really need to choose
Lots of things to fill the room with  vibrant autumn hues,
Gaily patterned cushions that are scattered everywhere,
And smaller brightly coloured ones to grace each kitchen chair.
Tablecloths in vivid shades and candles nightly lit,
Combined with pretty curtains would soon brighten things a bit.
Vases full of flowers, which also fill the room with scent,            
Would bring more colour to the room and make me more content.
For winter is a dreary time in everybody’s book,
And lots of colour give a room a much more cheerful look.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Fight the Flab

“Skinnies” of the world unite,
Against the flab don’t fail to fight,
For you are healthier than those
Who wear the larger size of clothes.
Hypertension, cancer too,
Occur less frequently in you.
Rates of heart disease go down
Among the slimmer ones in town
Infertility is less
And pregnancy has lower stress.
Problems with arthritis fall
In those who aren’t as round as tall
Depression too arises more
And rates of diabetes soar
In those whose weight is far too high,
Hastening the day they die.
So staying slim’s a good idea,
Since healthwise you’ll have less to fear.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

How Long

How many babies are doomed to die, before there’s a change in the law,
And unborn children need have no fear that they will be killed any more?
Eight million in Britain have met this fate, as they were considered to be
Unwanted or useless or in the way, although it is plain to see
We need more babies to take the place of those who are growing old,
And there’s someone who’ll see each child that’s born as a little ray of gold,
And care for it if its mother can’t and give it the love it’s due,
Not just to the ones who are perfect, but the sick and the handicapped too.
For just because it’s human, every child has intrinsic worth,
And should be treated while in the womb the same as it is after birth.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Problems of Truth

The truth is, if one reads the news
And looks for many countries’ views,
One will very quickly see
They very often don’t agree.
Who bombed a town?  The answer might
Be very varied in the sight
Of different countries, who will say
Opposing sides in this affray.
For there’s no doubt that for a start
Propaganda plays a part
In how events should be portrayed,
And door-step where the blame is laid.
And often non-one really knows
From where the truth or falsehood flows
And only later is it clear,
When fuller details then appear.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Enjoying the Autumn

Though the autumn days are passing, and the winter’s drawing near,
There are still some weeks before us till the frosts and snow appear;
Weeks which we can make good use of, while the weather’s still quite warm,
And it’s pleasant to enjoy pursuits outdoors in every form.
Things like walking can be better when the sun is not so hot,
And in autumn cooler weather’s something that you’ve always got.
There are still outdoor events on, though not often late at night
For by now it’s very obvious how reduced’s the evening light.
But weekends are still waiting with the opportunity
For being outside enjoying hours of  great activity.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

A Stoat has his Uses

A useful creature is the stoat,
Whose fur may make an ermine coat,
When it is white with spots of black,
And grace an aristocrat’s neck or back.          
They’re close relations of quite a few,
The weasel, ferret and badger too;
But only the stoat may get to make
An ermine coat that’s real not fake.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

The Forest

Tall trees whose branches are entwined,
As if they always were designed
To live together;
The sun can never reach the ground
For there is foliage all around,
Whatever the weather.

Under the trees half-darkness reigns;
A plant that likes the shade then gains;
A place to live;
Secure in an environment
Which looks as if ‘twas specially sent,
And nowhere else could give.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Why Creatives Fail to Achieve

Creative people often feel they only come alive
When in a situation where they have the time to strive
To bring to life their visions of the arts where they excel,
Working hard and hoping that their great ideas will jel.

But usually they lack the time to concentrate on art,
The need to work keeps them and their creativeness apart,
And so they often can’t produce the works they could have done
If art had been their livelihood, not something done for fun.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Enjoying Winter

Winter is coming, and brings cold and rain,
No long, hot and dry days will we see again
Until the next summer, for they have now ceased
And won’t be returning for eight months at least.
So it’s bring out the jumpers and winter attire,
Draw curtains at night, also switch on the fire.
Cook lovely hot food that’s delicious to eat,
Enjoy the crisp feeling of snow under feet.
And not let the winter disrupt all our lives,
But decide to enjoy it, whatever arrives.

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité

Liberty, equality, fraternity, lead one to think of France,
And concepts which at one time were completely in advance
Of general thinking in the world, but now are recognised
By nearly all earth’s countries, though by some they’re still despised,
In states where they do not believe that everyone should be
Treated in a way that’s fair, that’s clear for all to see,
Though the words define the French, not all in France today
Accept those ancient words should mean exactly what they say.
They don’t believe in liberty, and see it as a threat,
And think equality is something women shouldn’t get.
Fraternity is not for them, they want to live apart,
So France’s motto isn’t something that they’ll all impart
To future generations, as a part of being French
Something that’s within them, which no outside force can drench.
Words which form an endless chain which links them to the past,
And look towards a future which they truly hope will last
For many generations, in the ages still to come
And that they’ll be accepted by all Frenchmen, not just some.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Selfish Neighbours

Many neighbours are quite selfish, only thinking of themselves,
With rarely an excuse appearing, however far and deep one delves.
They play loud music which is deafening, stopping any others round
From enjoying peace and quietness, surrounded as they are by sound.
When it comes to household rubbish, often they’re extremely lax,
Putting meat and chicken pieces out in flimsy, untied sacks,
Which the foxes quickly open, tearing everything apart,
Long before the early morning, when arrives the dustman’s cart.      
They never clean the stairs and landings, though they leave their rubbish there,
Feeling that such menial labour really isn’t their affair.
Their visitors are often noisy, coming every day and night,
Stopping other people sleeping, as they feel it is their right
To have their friends and family coming, and being noisy is their way,
Not just on the odd occasion, but during every night and day.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

The Need for Space

Living in a smallish flat is fine if one can use

Adjacent common areas whenever one might choose,
So one is not compelled to sit all day within four walls,
But has the right to sit outside if a need for fresh air calls.
And children are not forced to stay within a tiny flat,
But can spend hours out in the sun, where they can play and chat.
Flats quite often in the past were small it is quite true,
But they were there to eat and sleep, as everybody knew,
While children in particular passed all their time outdoors,
And never spent their time inside unless there was good cause.
The streets were safe for playing on, from dawn till sunset passed,
When they were called to come back in to eat and sleep at last.
But no child now can play outside, alone or with their friends,
Unless they’re watched and supervised, a job that never ends.
So times have changed, and lifestyles too, and most would now concede
That people now need bigger flats, to give the space they need.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

A Smile Would Make a Difference

Why do many people look as miserable as sin,
Seemingly opposed to letting joy and laughter in.
Often glued to mobiles as they walk along the street,
Completely unaware of anyone that they might meet.
Inevitably lacking any smile upon their face;
Of any sign of happiness, there’s often not a trace.
How much nicer it would be every everybody smiled,
And showed the joy of life that’s seen in nearly every child.
If they all radiated love and joy to every one,
For those within their circle life would be a lot more fun.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Dull Clothing

Far too many people go out looking rather drab,
As if before they left the house they’d only time to grab
The nearest clothes, however old or dirty or worn out
Most often in some darkish shade; of colour there’s a drought.
Faded jeans with largish tears which run across their knees,
The very tightest lycra into which they just can squeeze.
Crumpled skirts which need an iron, and tops which barely fit,
No matter what they wear they feel they’ll get away with it.
Uncleaned shoes and trousers have seen a better day,
With many holes and patches where the cloth’s begun to fray.
Most of them in black or grey or brown or navy blue,
In styles which looked quite shabby even when they were brand new.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

I Must Start Eating Less

I must go on a diet, for I need to lose some weight,
Or becoming large and lardy will inevitably be my fate.
My waist is getting bigger and it really looks a mess,
Showing rounded bulges when I wear a pretty dress.
My legs are getting larger, and the rude say they are fat,
And my stomach very definitely is not what you’d call flat.
My arms are looking wobbly, and they really aren’t in shape,
And very soon they’ll reach the stage where people turn and gape.
So I really must starting eating less, until I’m nice and slim,
For life as large and bulky can so often be quite grim.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

The Basis of Friendship

Friendships thrive when there’s respect, a putting of the other first,
Rather than when those involved are in themselves far more immersed,
Thinking only of their wants and how their friends can satisfy
Just their needs, while they themselves, give back little in reply.
Friendships based on such a premise rarely last long, but will tend
To fall apart as time will show their shallow nature in the end.
Where friendship’s based on mutual giving, there’s more chance that it will last,
Growing deeper and more precious as the years flow swiftly past.
Giving may be complimentary, for all people aren’t the same,
But the welfare of the other always ought to be the aim.

What is True

It’s hard to know just what is true
When every day there’s something new
Reported on the internet,
And it’s impossible to vet
The origin of every quote;
One can only read and note
If further evidence appears,
Or if reports are merely smears
Put out to in order to achieve
The author’s wishes to deceive.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Shortage of Time

So many books I want to read.
But never have the time I need
To do as much as just skim through
More than just a very few.
All the time I learn of more
Literature I would adore,
If only I had time to sit
And spend my days just reading it.
I’ve just discovered Hardy wrote
A thousand poems, which could float
Through my brain, if only I
Had time; but I can only sigh
And at the moment live in hope
That one day soon I’ll have the scope
To spend some hours in Hardy’s world
As all his poetry’s unfurled.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

A Country's Needs

If a country’s to survive it really must ensure
Its culture, language and its past are always to the fore,
So everyone knows who they are and all the ties that bind
The fabric of their country and which make it of one mind.
If they lose the sense of pride in all that makes them one,
Their status and their unity may not have long to run,
And they may face a future that is fractured and unclear,
With chances of disruption there  increasing every year.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

We're Still European

Leaving the European Union won’t make our position change,
We’ll still be part of  Europe, and simply will exchange
The need to follow Brussels for the right to make our laws,
And not become involved in every EU sanctioned cause.
But our culture’s shared with Europe and we’ll always be a part,
Of Europe’s massive history, and its literature and art;
Its music and its outlook, and the faith that one time bound
Every single country that in Europe could be found.
We share a common culture that will never go away,
But will remain to bind us, whatever some may say.

Friday, 9 September 2016

My Overflowing Inbox

Each time I open my inbox, there’s masses of emails there,
So all I can do for a moment is look at them and stare;
How could I have so many when I don’t have hundreds of friends
Who hourly have something to tell me – in fact I don’t have tens.
I look at them more closely, and start to feel slightly dumb
For not immediately seeing that the vast majority come
From firms and organisations that I’ve given my email to
And they’re the ones who daily keep on sending me something new.
Maybe it’s time I started to say I have no email address,
And messages in my inbox over time would be less and less.

Two Types of Activist

Some activists have full-time jobs and need to work quite hard,
But though free time is limited they never feel they’re barred
From being involved in causes which their hearts proclaim are right,
Even if it means they end up working every night.
They find the time because they care and know their duty lies
In doing something to reduce injustices and lies.
The sort of people every country needs in good supply
Who work all day to pay their bills, while outside work they try
To give some time and energy to helping others who
They really feel compassion for and that support is due.

Others live on benefits, obtaining every perk,
While endlessly avoiding doing any sort of work;
Which means they have the time they want to demonstrate their views,
And often try their best so see they feature in the news.
Some belong to “rent a mob” and happily appear
To carry placards in the streets of cities far and near.
They’re rarely very  practical and haven’t got a clue
How things would work in practice for they’ve never thought them through.
But they are good at shouting out the same old slogans that
They’ve learned at many a meeting and in time have got off pat.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Time to Stop Whining and Do Something

So many people waste time in complaining they’re feeling so bored and there’s nothing to do,
And when they are challenged, they’re usually quite adamant, they are completely correct in their view;
They never stop whining the Council should do more so they are not stuck in the house all day long,
Making sure everyone hears it quite frequently, just how disgracefully things have gone wrong;
But if they’re in London it’s nonsense asserting there’s nothing provided that they can join in
For there are just so many types of activities, that really it’s hard to know where to begin.
All that is needed is usually some effort to move from the telly and then make their way
A very short distance to one of the places where something’s available all through the day.
Though so many things in the past have stopped running, simply because no-one bothered to go,
There are still a huge number of clubs and activities, waiting for people to help them to grow.
But if no-one bothers to show some initiative, leaving the house to spend time with new friends
More will close down, as they lose all their members, the people on whom their existence depends.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Unrestricted Migration

Many who say “Let everyone come” don’t understand the view of those
Whose daily lives when they all arrive will very quickly be in the thoes
Of major change, as those who come’ll be settled in the same estates
As the poorer classes, rather than with the people protected by large iron gates.

But it’s often those from wealthy homes, protected from the world outside
Who speak in favour of welcoming all, and feel in that a sense of pride
That they’re so liberal and keen to help, while never offering to take
An asylum seeker into their home; to some their compassion might seem a fake.

But if they had to share their block with people from a different world
And watch the life they liked to lead being very steadily unfurled,
It’s possible they’d change their minds, and feel like those from council blocks
They much preferred their current state, and wanted no incoming flocks
To change their lives and make them feel a stranger in their own domain,
Which to them, would make them suffer  major losses with little gain

Monday, 5 September 2016

Foolish Men

Why do men in positions of power, who ought to have more sense
Behave in a way that indicates they’re really rather dense?
Getting involved in seedy affairs, with women or with men,
Taking very serious risks again and again and again.
It’s almost as if they feel that they fall outside any law,
Something which in powerful men is a very serious flaw.
Yet so many men just do what they want and hope they won’t be caught
 Although as they’re much in the public eye, they very certainly ought
To take great care that nothing they do might bring them to disrepute;
Why are they often so foolish, when they should be very astute?

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Differing Views

Some faiths display much joy and love,
Encouraged by their God above;
They know they never should neglect
Ensuring that their lives reflect
The love of God in everything,
So they tend to laugh and sing,
As well as loving all around,
As by their faith they all are bound.
They know they’re loved by God and so,
Throughout their lives their love will grow.

Some other faiths have different views
Since in their life there’s no Good News;
A stern uncaring god’s their fate,
With nothing much to celebrate.
They do not laugh, they do not sing,
Simply in their faith they cling,
To thoughts of hell, at which they quail,
Knowing that they well may fail
To do the things their god requires,
And be condemned to endless fires.

Friday, 2 September 2016

A New Dawn

Perhaps a time will one day dawn,
Starting with a splendid morn
When peace breaks out throughout the world,
With scenes of joyous love unfurled,
As people turn to Christ and say,
On this momentous, glorious day,
We want to imitate your life,
Eschewing every hate and strife
That’s plagued mankind in ages past,
But we will leave behind at last.

A dream perhaps, but one can hope,
For while man lives there still is scope
For him to change and take on board,
A new found faith in Christ the Lord,
With all that means in ways that he
Will live before eternity.

Thursday, 1 September 2016


Propaganda is designed to change a people’s views,
Masquerading as it does so often as hard news,
But news that’s been so edited so nothing else remains,
Except what will support the view a government maintains.
Propaganda’s aim is ever always to deceive,
To alter people’s thinking and the things that they believe.
It’s used by many rulers both today and in the past,
Its affect on people’s attitudes has often been quite vast;
For many people do not think or reason for themselves,
It’s fairly rare the person who considers things and delves.
Most people just accept as fact the many things they hear,
Even if their origin is very far from clear.
So if a government churns out what are in essence lies
They still accept them all as truth, not untruths in disguise.