

Saturday, 31 December 2016

Winter Snow

Winters come and winters go,
But here we rarely see the snow
That blankets all the towns up north,
So people have to sally forth
Dressed fro proper winters when
Each year they see the snow again.

Start of a New Year

Celebrations round the world
As a new year is unfurled
With midnight’s coming to each land,
Moving through each time-zone band.
Fireworks mark the moment when
Another year begins again,
And many people stay up late,
So that they can celebrate.
In many places, far and near,
The start of yet another year.

Plans for 2017

A new year is starting, and what can I do
To make sure that all of my dreams will come true
Relating to what I have planned to achieve
In the coming twelve months, as I carefully weave
A list of the tasks which I’ll keep as my goal,
Which I will complete through the year as a whole,
Being realistic, not aiming too high,
For there’s no point in thinking I’ll reach for the sky
When aware I can’t do it; but also I know
I must be quite wary of aiming too low,
Or I won’t have to work with the purpose in view,
That I will succeed in some things that are new.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Changes to Socialising

People need to socialise, by mixing with others more,
Meeting them all face to face, as people did before
The coming of computers and their side-kick, mobile phones,
So that many live their lives within “no contact” zones.
Most socialising’s done today through things like Instagram,
Twitter, Facebook and Linked-In, where friendship’s just a sham,
Instead of talking face-to-face, or on the telephone,
Speaking to an actual friend, just them and them alone.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

End of Year Sales

Massive sales are on again, with most big stores partaking,
And for the next few weeks they’ll be their normal rates forsaking,
Offering throughout their shops, huge discounts to attract
The many bargain hunters who are lured in by the fact
The discounts are stupendous, making items very cheap,
And so through all those many doors, the eager shoppers leap.
But though the shops are filled with goods, and prices are reduced,
And most of them are hoping that their sales will give a boost
To general profits for the year, it really should be said,
That there is often little there worth spending money on,
For items that were popular have mainly already gone,
And all that’s left is things that no-one wanted much before,
But promises of discounts bring crowds surging through the door.

End of 2016

A new year we will shortly see,
With this consigned to history.
What have I achieved to date?
I really wouldn’t like to state;
Suffice to say, I now well know
That what I planned a year ago,
I haven’t managed to complete,
And sadly must admit defeat,
For in the few days left this year,
It couldn’t ever be more clear
There’s no way now I can succeed
In finishing each single deed
I’d planned back when this year began,
But maybe for next year I can.

Sunday, 25 December 2016

The Black Sea Plane Crash

Another plane has crashed, and it would seem that all are dead,
Gone from happy take-off to an unplanned watery bed;
We do not know the reason why the flight came to an end,
Two minutes after leaving, and a great deal will depend,
On if it was an accident, and no-one was at fault,
Something that no man on board had any chance to halt;
Or if it turns out that the crash is found entirely due
To some untimely error, emanating from the crew;
Or if investigators of the cause have need to face
That terrorists could be involved, which still could be the case.
Whatever in the coming weeks the experts may decide,
It cannot change the awful fact that ninety-two have died.

Receiving Presents

I have no need of anything, but still it’s very nice,
Receiving little presents; the smallest will suffice
To make me feel excited, as I open it with joy –
A feeling left from childhood, and which nothing can destroy,
For what is in that package will so very often be
Something I’d not thought of, but would seem just made for me;
And which will get a lot of use, though I’d not thought before,
That it would be a present that I really would adore.

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Christmas Eve

Hardly a sound disturbs the evening peace,
As traffic has appeared almost to cease;
The streets are fairly empty now of cars,
Whose presence peaceful streets so often mars;
No noise of parties issuing from flats,
With windows closed, no sound of even chats’
In several homes there twinkle Christmas trees,
Though seemingly much fewer now of these;
And then the sound of church bells fills the air,
Reminding all the people living there
It’s time to leave if they would play their part,
As Midnight Mass will very shortly start,

Thursday, 22 December 2016


Tradition helps cement belonging, making people feel that they
Are a part of something bigger, dating from a former day.
The present joins the past and future, linking both within a line,
With tradition carrying forward, and so often being the sign
That unites a group of people, all of whom have come to share
A history and a way of living, to which the young will be the heir.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

My Blog is Up-to-Date

 After some neglect of late,
My blog again is up-to-date,
As from my brain each poem flows,
To be added on to those
Already there, so every day,
A poem will have made its way
On to my blog, for all to read,
And I now feel quite pleased indeed.

Freedom is Important

Freedom is a precious thing; that’s something one should not forget,
And if it is allowed to vanish, there will soon be3 much regret;
Vigilance is always needed to ensure that freedom stays,
So that we, like many others, will not have to end our days
Bound by laws and regulations, so that we can’t say or do,
Anything that is not sanctioned from our rulers’ point of view.

Storm Barbara

Stormy weather’s on its way,
Though it is quite calm today;
Barbara’s coming form the west
And on arrival will divest
Herself of rain and howling gales,
The sort of storm that ever fails
To make an impact, as it roars,
Over hills and towns and moors.

Swallows and Amazons

A story that’s very much set in the past,
One which would leave social workers aghast
If it happened today, with our much changed ideas
About our young children, with all of our fears
That mean supervision is part of their life,
Since dangers to children are everywhere rife.
In "Swallows and Amazons" there is no doubt
A child will be safe when he’s out and about.
The Walkers all go off, completely alone
To camp on an island, with no mobile phone
To keep them in touch with their family at home;
Instead the four children are left free to roam
All over the lake and the island they’ve seen,
Meeting with people, the nice and the mean;
Having adventures and showing that they
Are well fit to cope with whate’er comes their way.

No Time to Decorate

My flat needs decorating, but I really haven’t time,
So I’ll just have to tolerate its present state of grime;
It’s such an awful job to do, with furniture to move,
And so although I know a coat of paint would it improve,
it isn’t really difficult to put it off once more,
In just the same way that I’ve done so many times before.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

A Modern Day Vicar of Bray

In seventy, when Health took charge,
EU was just UK writ large;
I favoured it like all the rest
Of Heath supporters, as the best
Way to move and join the crowd;
To be a Tory made me proud.

When Harold Wilson came along,
I sang a very different song;
Now Labour was the one for me,
And surely everyone could see                   
How good they were, right from the start –
They had the people’s needs at heart.

Things changed in Maggie Thatcher’s time –
I thought the Tories were sublime;
Everything they sought to do
Was in accord with my own view.
She was a hero in my sight,
And everything she did was right.

When Tony Blair came through the door
I knew the party to adore;
New Labour was the future way –
My fervour for them grew each day.
The other parties were the past -
New Labour had arrived at last.

But times can change, and governments too,
And twenty ten brought into view
Cameron’s Tories; along with them
The party of Nick Clegg – Lib Dem.
Coalitions, I now saw,
Were something we could do with more.

But then, of course, things changed again,
As were elected different men;
The Lib Dems almost ceased to be –
Of coalitions we were free.
I was a Tory, staunch and true,
Nothing else except true blue.

Saturday, 17 December 2016


A parasite by definition only takes and doesn’t give,
Relying on the work of others to enable it to live.
They come in many shapes and sizes, and they vary in their role,
But to take their needs from others, without payment, is their goal.
The word can be ascribed to people or to animals or plants,
For there are so many venues where their lifestyle can advance
For the one thing that defines them, which can’t really be denied,
Is parasites act on the basis, others must for them provide.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Dreaming Time

It’s nice to sit and dream awhile
Even though it’s not my style
To let my time just idle by;
The hours each day just seem to fly,
With little space that isn’t filled,
And so’s available to build
A little sanctuary of calm,
Where I can rest without a qualm.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

The Problem with Bankers

To many people bankers are a source of all their grief,
Their greed and lack of honesty, they feel’s beyond belief;
Not producing anything, just shovelling round the cash,
Knowing that the deals they make are often very rash;
But they get their commission and their bonuses before
Everything goes very wrong, and they are out the door,
Moving on to other fields, where they can wheel and deal,
Shifting money round the world, while knowing it’s not real;
Encouraging all people to increase their slice of debt,
Whilst also raising interest rates as high as they can get;
Perhaps it might be better if the banks were more  restrained,,
And many bankers’ characters were not so badly stained,
If everything were simplified, and dubious deals were banned,
And cautious banks were everywhere in nearly every land.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

If Only Girls

If only girls would play more sports, they’d find their lives much richer than
They were when they lead passive lives, before their  active lives began.
If only girls would spend more time on things like music, drama, books,
They’d gain a whole new view of life, on how the world around them looks.
If only girls would set their sights on reaching far up in the sky,
Believing that they can succeed, and all they need to do is try.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Diet Experts

In the world of diet experts, things keep changing every day,
New theories march towards the forefront, replacing ones sent on their way.
Fats are bad, well certain kinds, and it’s obvious that you should
Avoid the ones that can be harmful, eating those proved to be good.
Every type of fat is harmful, new research has clearly shown
And the dangers of indulgence, are through studies now well-known.
Fata are needed, and aid slimming, diet experts now declare
With some scientific figures, presented with a touch of flair.
Carbohydrates are what’s needed; potatoes are a super food,
Anyone who says the opposite, for their errors should be booed.
Carbohydrates turn to sugar, so aren’t really good at all,
And the thought of those potatoes, cannot help but one appal.
Meat should not be on the menu, for it causes heart disease,
Sugar’s out, but in comes honey, manufactured by the bees.
Don’t drink milk – it’s just for babies, and can make you rather ill,
No, that’s wrong, and healthy eating should include that half-pint still.
Tea and coffee, wine and soft drinks, like much else have had their turn,
On the lists of products experts state should be of much concern.
One feels the truth is none is certain, and it really is a shame,
That anything’s declared as gospel, when it’s  just  a guessing game,

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Carols are Everywhere

Carols are a part of life, as Christmas Day draws near,
The well-know tunes and ancient words, which everyone holds dear;
Many have a place throughout the whole of Europe’s sphere,
And voices based in many lands all sing them loud and clear.
They are the sort of music which most people like to hear,
Bringing messages of hope and thoughts of Christmas cheer,
Where lonely shepherds in the fields and angels both appear,
Along with silent starry nights and swiftly running deer.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Babies Change

Tiny babies are very sweet,
They smile at everyone they meet;
They don’t mind if a person’s new,
They’ll go to everybody who
Will hold and cuddle them in their arms;
They really haven’t any qualms
About being passed and passed around;
Their placidness is well renowned.

By the time they’ve reached the age of two,
They often don’t like someone new;
It doesn’t matter if they’re nice,
Their newness often will suffice
For them to be ignored or shunned;
Many adults have been stunned
To find their love rejected by
That child, no matter how they try.

But it is nothing but their age;
For toddlers often have a stage
When they can cope with just a few,
And don’t like anyone that’s new.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Let's Have Less Obesity

They’re saying that obesity’s the cause of much ill-health,
Which costs a massive fortune and’s a drain on the nation’s wealth;
It seems a third of those unemployed through illness are simply fat,
And there is surely a lesson which one ought to learn from that;
If fatness causes illness, then all doctors should prescribe
A diet and more exercise, with orders to imbibe
Far less food and drink each day, until their weight goes down,
And they are slim and sylph-like, instead of like a clown;
And it wouldn’t cost a penny, for those fatties to address
The problem of their weight because they’d just be eating less.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Church Bells

The church bells are ringing to let people know
The service will quite soon be starting below;
From the tower they ring out, with their peals loud and clear,
Bringing their message to folk far and near.
A part of the culture for centuries past,
But the way things are going, how long will they last?

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Will it Last

How much longer will it last,
Before the EU’s in the past?
Gone the vision to intrude
On the nation states imbued
With their own history, culture, rules,
Those things which form their people’s jewels,
Giving them a sense that they
Will be around for many a day,
Not one amorphous mass where none
Will have their own place in the sun,
But separate nations, though still friends,
Who each their way of life defends.

Simple Pleasures

Sunshine and a bright blue sky,
And small birds singing in the trees,
Soft green grasses underfoot –
I value pleasures such as these.

Trickling brooks where minnows play,
Sounds of grazing sheep and cows;
Peacefulness that will not cease,
A place where I could spend long hours.

Saturday, 3 December 2016


Christmas is a happy time, with much to celebrate,
The coming of a baby who would change all people’s fate,
The fact that through two thousand years, the birth of that small boy
Has been remembered every year, with such a  sense of joy.
The story of a woman who’s response to what she heard
Meant that she would bear a son, her heavenly Father’s Word;
All the customs that have grown throughout the ensuing years,
Helping to bring happiness, dispelling people’s fears;
The message that the angels brought, regarding peace on earth,
Which everyone associates with that miraculous birth.
Christmas is a time when all should think about the past
That date when God sent down His Son to save mankind at last.

Italy's Referendum

Now Italy has problems too,
And may upset the poor EU
Who aren't too happy with the fact
A vote of "Yes" will not be backed
By many who do not concur
With Renzi's plans, but would prefer
That he resigned and was replaced
With one with views more to their taste.
Tomorrow night we all should know
The way Italians want to go.

Thursday, 1 December 2016


Commuting’s really not much fun,
As daily battles must be won
To get on trains when packed so tight,
Those waiting really have to fight
To squeeze on board, if they are small
While larger folk can’t board at all.
And then the journey, squashed each side,
Doesn’t bring a pleasant ride,
But if your job is far away,
You have to do it every day.

If Bullies were no More

Life would be more pleasant if all bullies disappeared,
If there was no-one lurking round whose mind was firmly geared
To persecuting anyone who seem to be quite weak
Or vulnerable in any way, so they could easily seek
To cause them pain and sorrow, and subject them to such stress
That they would very quickly find their lives were in a mess.
Bullies are a menace, in whatever form they come,
Very often cowards at heart, attaching only some
Who seem to them the weakest, and least likely to retort
With words which clearly indicate a battle will be fought,
And they will be defeated by a stronger one than they,
And after being defeated, sent quite firmly on their way.
But there are some who are not tough, and shy away from fights,
And bullies take advantage of their vulnerable plights;
But wouldn’t it be nice if every bully changed his ways,
And all potential victims could enjoy much happier days.