

Sunday, 19 February 2017

The Time has Come

 I really feel the time has come
When I must make a move
To change from spending all my life
Within the same old groove.

Perhaps a new job might suffice
To put me on the path,
For change of colleagues and of scene
Would be the aftermath.

And that might lead to other things,
And well could be the cur
To put me on the road to find
New friends and interests too.

Saturday, 18 February 2017


The banks all want to lend to people, so that more and more
Are in future in their debt, though they were not before;
They aim to make vast profits from their money-lending schemes
While they pretend that they are just fulfilling people’s dreams
Interest rates are often high, so there is little hope
That paying off the loan will be within the person’s scope,
So borrowers may easily find that they’ll be forced to pay
Many times the borrowed sum, which still’s not gone away.
But though this situation for the people is no fun,
The policy of lenders is “Just take the cash and run.”
They make a fortune, unconcerned about the harm they cause,
And only try ensuring they’ve not broken any laws.
They do the same to countries which are small and need some cash,
Though borrowing  for them is also often very rash.
For if the loan is not repaid quite quickly they will find
That paying endless interest will become a constant bind.
And also they might lose control of how their country’s run,
As lenders may insist on how they want things to be done.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

More Time Needed

I really need more exercise,
It’s just I haven’t time
To do the sort of things I need
To keep me in my prime.

If only every day contained
Ten extra hours or more,
The list of things that I could do
Would absolutely soar.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

The Need to Increase Low Wages

Companies should not pay their staff low wages such that they
Don’t earn enough on which to live, though working every day,
But need to access benefits to help them pay the rent
And many other basic things on which a wage is spent.
If no-one could get government help because their pay was low,
Even though in full-time work, their wage would need to grow,
For firms would find it difficult to get new staff on board
Unless they raised their wages so that workers could afford
To pay for all their basic needs, without the need to claim;
For every major company, that should surely be their aim.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017


There are some who enjoy a good demo; the fun of being out of doors,
With placards and lots of loud shouting, for some vaguely thought-about cause;
The same people turn up so often; their interests seemingly range
For nuclear power to the government, to foxes suffering from mange;
They can’t devote much time to working, or they wouldn’t usually be free
To take part in demos on weekdays, wherever they happened to be.
And some when they’re asked a straight question, are not too clued up on the cause,
And probing will only result in a slogan or long, silent pause.
They’re part of the rent-a-crowd army, who’ll turn out (and sometimes get paid)
For waving a banner and shouting, which makes life less boring and staid.

An Indecisive President

Donald Trump now seems to be
To many people, all at sea;
They think he truly doesn’t know
Where he really wants to go,
But blunders on, without a thought
Of all the trouble he has wrought.
But maybe it could just be true
His mind is made up, what to do,
And while he seems in disarray,
With different statements every day,
That could be just a strategy –
And we’ll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

What Societies Want Most

There’s one thing societies want more than anything,
Something they value above other things,
And that’s the existence of peace and stability,
With all the benefits that always brings.

For if there is peace, there is no constant danger
That fighting will cause much destruction and harm;
No need to fear for the breakdown or order
When everything round is so peaceful and calm.

Stability means all can plan for the future,
Certain that changes won’t come over-night,
Leaving them free to invest without worrying,
Knowing that everything should be all right.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Over-rated Sports

There’s far too much publicity for certain types of sport,
With some of them receiving more attention than they ought.
Their exploits feature constantly in papers and TV,
With matches broadcast everywhere for all the world to see.
Their players earn tremendous sums, enjoy a life of fame,
And know that there’ll be millions watching every single game.
An alien might think they were the most important thing
Within this world, as everywhere their names and praises ring
In endless column inches, on TV and internet,
As they receive more coverage than big events now get.
Other sports are treated as if they did not exist,
With many women’s sports appearing high up on the list.
Their players are not major stars, and usually they’re ignored,
With nothing in the sporting press of all the goals they’ve scored.
They don’t earn vast amounts of cash, and many players work
As cash received for playing’s often seen as just a perk.
Perhaps it’s time for certain sports to fade off every screen,
And lose their current status on the international scene,
For sports are unimportant when it comes to world affairs,
And all the vast attention showered on them should not be theirs.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Fake News

It’s hard to tell if news is true, or whether it is simply fake,
Especially at the moment when the story first begins to break;
Some things may sound quite plausible if background facts aren’t known,
And others from small acorn facts to mighty oaks have grown;
Papers often state as fact what might more nearly be
Described as propaganda, from which stories should be free.
And many just accept as true whatever they are told,
With journalists a different breed from days when they were bold
And chased stories for themselves, and checked at every stage
That everything was really true, before put on the page.
Today that simply isn’t done by every source of news,
With much reported simply being a firm’s or person’s views.
So one needs to be careful and think each story through,
Before deciding if it’s fake, or if it’s really true.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

EU Migrants Should Stay

The EU migrants – let them stay!
Why should they be sent away?
They’re workers and will never cause
Any civil strife or wars.
Just agree that no-one can
Get around a total ban
On coming here with just the aim
Of putting in a welfare claim.
As workers they contribute much
And their lives and culture’s such
That they will quickly integrate,
Becoming loyal to their new state.
And think of all the Brits in Spain,
Who recently have made it plain
They want to stay just where they are –
The climate’s better there by far!

Forecast of Snow

Snow, they say, is on the way,
And should arrive by Saturday;
Not just flurries, which will go
Before they have a chance to show,
But larger falls, which may well lie
While several freezing days pass by.
But we will need to wait and see
What reality will be,
For often things don’t go to plan,
As set out by the weatherman.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017


There are people everywhere who can’t resist the chance
To talk about impending doom a great deal in advance;
There may be little evidence that it will come to pass,
Their loudly stated arguments being nothing but a farce.
But rumours of disaster often quickly gain long legs,
Even if their basis rests on nothing more than pegs;
And so they grow and very quickly  turn to actual facts,
With people adding details which they feel the story lacks,
Often causing panic for the people who don’t know
‘Twas nothing but scaremongers who had made the story grow.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Double Standards

Donald Trump is here to stay,
And certainly won’t go away
Until his current term is up,
So with him all will have to sup
If living in a world that’s real
And with the US want to deal.
Many countries now are lead
By leaders some would like seen dead;
But though they might be hated much,
They’re leaders, recognised as such.
It’s true that most of them are small,
And count for little, if at all;
The US on the other hand
Is a large and powerful land;
But what he’s done so far is just
What many others thought they must,
Because they could; and no-one dared
Within those states, to show they cared.
It’s fairly easy to detect
The reason many now expect
America will never be
Like other nations all can see.
The demos in the US show
What many there have come to know
And which cannot be easily missed
That double standards there exist.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

The Future

It’s really difficult to know
Which way all the world will go.
Things are changing very fast,
The status quo will hardly last
For more than just a few years hence,
And change will likely be immense.
Downtowns, economically,
Are something that we well may see;
New wars may quite soon appear,
Disasters may bring massive fear.
Governments may fall or rise,
Lands may loosen ancient ties;
Whatever some might now proclaim
The world will not just stay the same.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

A New Type of President

There’s something wrong in politics when it is a surprise
That Donald Trump, campaigning, spoke the truth instead of lies.
Many thought the statements he proclaimed so very loud
Were just a form of rhetoric, and aimed to please the crowd.
They didn’t think he meant them, but as politician do,
Was chasing after votes from those who held that point of view.
For many politicians promise things they know that they
Will certainly forget once they have passed election day.
But now it seems in Mr. Trump they’ve got a person who
Hasn’t changed his promises for ones completely new,
But seems to be intending as his presidency proceeds
To turn his former promises from simply words to deeds.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Against Censorship

People shouldn’t try to ban all views with which they disagree,
For among the educated, everyone should be quite free
To proclaim their own opinions, backed by evidence of course,
Of they may face loud derision for the views that they endorse.
Often there are variations in what people think is true,
And there is a constant movement as new facts come into view;
Things that yesterday were sacred, might today be out-of-date,
As new theories reach the forefront, which some people well might hate.
Or it may be that some people want to silence those who hold
Views which have a firm foundation, going back to days of old.
For they think they are old-fashioned, based on ignorance and fear,
And today are quite offensive – that to them seems crystal clear.
But that some may be offended isn’t reason to refuse
To allow those other people to express their thought-out views.
If they feel they are in error, and their statements have no base,
They should just prepare an answer and then calmly put their case.
But they should not try to censor any reasoned arguments
Even if the drawn conclusions don’t to them make any sense.

Thursday, 2 February 2017


Another storm is on its way,
And should arrive here any day;
This time it’s Doris who will be
Roaring in across the sea.
Gale-force winds and driving rain
Will assail us once again.
But though such storms one must expect,
I wonder when we’ll get one next.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Aron's Grandmother's Complaint

Aron’s a sweetie – of that there’s no doubt,
But still he’s quite often the reason I shout;
“Please stop that” or “Aron, please put that away.”
“Why can’t you just quietly sit there and play.”
“Don’t touch that” and “Please will you leave that alone,”
“Please don’t dial numbers on my mobile phone.”
“Don’t be so noisy, or we will soon find,
We’re driving the neighbour quite out of her mind.”
“Eat your dinner all up, and not just the sweet,
You’ll never grow big, if you don’t learn to eat.”
“Stop banging”, “Stop shouting”, “Stop running amok,”
“You must go to bed, it’s now past ten o’clock.”
He may be a sweetie, but oh, he’s hard work,
And sometimes I feel that I might go berserk,
If he doesn’t stop being such a typical two,
Constantly trying out something that’s new.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

A better Life

The world’s in somewhat of a mess,
And everyone is under stress;
Nothing’s certain any more,
No-one knows just what’s in store.
Increasing differences in wealth
Are not good for people’s health;
How much better it would be
If everyone on earth were free
To live their lives without the stress,
Which currently brings such distress.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Aron's Now Two

Aron’s now two, and a real little boy,
For most of the time bubbling over with joy;
Running and tumbling, demanding that all
Sit there and watch him get up from each fall;
Endlessly asking for people to play,
And join in his antics for hours every day;
Discovering mischief just like a real pro,
Pretending he can’t understand the word “No.”.
Starting to talk, but as yet can’t say much,
With words that come out sounding like double Dutch;
Likes lots of action, with plenty of noise,
Trumpets and drums are his most favoured toys.
He’s just what’s expected now he has reached two,
And is constantly seeking out things that are new.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Art versus Wealth

Those who aren’t creative often fail to understand
That those who are artistic often live in a different land;
They seek for different things in  life, and mostly you will find
They rarely spend their days and nights with money on their mind.
Some people just want riches, and their never-ending aim
Is finding ways of gaining ever greater wealth and fame.
Not for them the hours alone, producing works of art,
Where money’s not the motive, rather something in the heart.
Who carry on because they must, and hope they’ll make a sale,
Knowing that success is rare, and they will often fail.
History is full of those who never gained success,
Despite their many years of toil, and some who’d never guess
They’d later be quite famous, though they wouldn’t live to know,
As after they had long been dead, their fame began to grow.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Working down the Mines

When men went down the mines each day
Their lives more quickly passed away
Than did the lives of those who went
Off to offices, where they spent
Their hours in far less arduous work,
And also could enjoy the perk                                                                
Of clean, fresh air, without the dust
That every miner daily must
Endure while he’s each morning bound
To make his way far underground.
Things, of course, are better now,
But still one can’t the mines endow
With everything that other see
Their place of work should always be.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Children's Lack of Freedom

Children in England are now so constrained,
All sense of adventure from them has been drained;
They can’t spend their days out of doors on their own,
And never till adult be just left alone.
No chance to explore and to learn to be wise,
And cope with all problems that may well arise;
No chance to play with no adult in tow,
And choose what to do, and as well where to go;
No chance to create a world where make-believe,
Forms quite a large part of the life that they weave;
No chance to run free and to make their own fun,
Enjoying the hours spent outside in the sun;
Instead they’re hunched over computers or phones,
All doing the same, like a series of clones;
Not growing in strength as they daily explore
The world all around them and learn more and more.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Greedy People

So much trouble’s caused by greed,
With people feeling that they need
To buy a never-ending list
Of goods, just so they can exist.
And then want more and more each day
As greediness comes into play,
And though to some it might seem odd,
Money soon becomes their god.
They worship it and quickly find,
It’s never absent from their mind.
It’s not they need such endless wealth
To maintain their life and health;
No, they just hanker for the things
That endless goods and money brings.       
And as their love of money grows
They often trample over those        
Who aren’t as greedy, and believe
That all should give, not just receive.
Unfortunately, there’ll always be
Some people who just cannot see
How nasty their behaviour seems
To people who have other dreams,
Than gaining all the wealth they can
From when their earthly life began.            

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Love's Magic

Anywhere, anytime, love can appear
With no-one aware that it’s lurking quite near;
But two people meet and they instantly feel
The sparkly between them is definitely real.
One moment there’s nothing, and then there’s a change
As love works its magic and brings them in range
Of someone with whom there’s an instant rapport,
And love has achieved its objective once more.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Preventing Crime

Two or more teenagers having a strop,
Another murder – when will it stop?
Far too many now carry knives,
Presenting a danger to others’ lives.
Maybe it’s time to say “Enough”
To those who think that they are tough,
And as they often display a short fuse,
All weapons carried, they’re likely to use.
So perhaps we should firmly enforce a ban,
And stop and search any girl or man
Who might be carrying a knife or gun
Or other weapon, to harm anyone.
By acting and stopping them in advance
Potential attackers won’t have the chance
To use the weapons they’ll have lost,
And thus reduce the human cost
Of regular murders among our youth,
And inculcating the well-known truth
Life will always be much more fun
Without the presence of knife or gun.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Going out for a Meal

Sometimes it’s good to go out for a meal,
And even more so if through some special deal
It’s not too expensive, for if one is frank,
It’s nice if one knows that it won’t break the bank.
For though food is cheap if you make it at home,
It can be expensive if you choose to roam
Among the nice restaurants, whose menus display
Of strange sounding foods an amazing array.
Of course there are places where food is quite cheap,
In contrast to those where the prices are steep,
But they are in general the ones which will serve
The plainest of dishes, without any verve.

Friday, 20 January 2017

The New President's now in Office

The US has inaugurated new boy Donald Trump,,
And many who opposed him have come down with quite a bump;
They didn’t really think that he would make in the end,
But now that he’s in office they no longer can pretend,
That he was not elected in a fair and honest vote,
And justice would ensure that he away from them would float.
But he is now ensconced within the White House for a term,
Assuming he’s not taken off by some untimely germ;
And we will have to wait and see just what the future holds,
As every change that he’s proposed throughout the years unfolds.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

No Need to be Lonely if You've got a Freedom Pass

Complaints of loneliness in London really are a farce,
If you’re an old age pensioner and have your Freedom Pass,
For you can travel anywhere on buses or on trains,
No need to spend your time at home, not matter if it rains.
Even if you pass the time just going for a ride,
You often have the chance to chat to those you sit beside.
And you can travel miles for free to visit all your friends,
And for neglect in working years can quickly make amends.
There’s lots that’s free to go to, so it needn’t cost a bean;
Every day you want to you can have a change of scene.
And you can talk to everyone you meet along the way,
As you travel here and there by bus or train each day.
And then of course you can invite your friends along to tea,
Knowing that their journey there is now completely free.
And there are clubs that you can join, from east to furthest west,
Enjoying every minute till you really need a rest.
It needs a little effort, but it really is worthwhile,
And you will very quickly find that going out’s your style.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Incompetent Managers

One of the problems that many firms face,
Is people moved up to a much higher base
Than their knowledge and talents would warrant they go,
Where they are incompetent, hopeless and slow.
There may have been reasons why they climbed the pole
Ending up gaining a more senior role
Than they have deserved, but the fact still remains,
There’s someone unsuitable holding the reins.
But they’re hard to get rid of once they are there,
Even if they’re the whole company’s despair,
Unless they do something which warrants the sack,
But many of them have developed the knack
Of just working quietly, not making a splash,
And not doing anything hasty or rash.

Bouncing Back

Setbacks can occur to anyone,
When life becomes devoid of any sun,
And suddenly a future that was bright,
Is now in darkness and bereft of light.
But often this has for its aftermath
A new beginning and a change of path,
As reaching out with heart and soul and mind,
All the former life is left behind,
And things are better than they would have been
Without the unexpected change of scene.

Spring Sun

Soft gentle sunshine which floats lightly down,
Bringing its warmth to both country and town;
Spreading an essence it only can give,
Making the world feel a good place to live.
No longer still tinged with a hard winter’s cold,
But the heat of the summer still yet to take hold’
The sun of the spring is the one in between
The one that’s to come and the one that’s just been

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Sudden death

One day she was there, and the next she was gone,
And it’s hard to accept that she now has moved on
From a life in this world full of vigour and fun,
Expected to have many years still to run.
But though it might seem so unjust and unfair,
Things like that happen, though thankfully rare.

Monday, 16 January 2017

New Ways to Find a Job

The job market’s changed, though not by design,
It’s simply that everyone now looks online
Whenever they’re looking to go somewhere new,
Whether they’re farmers or air cabin crew.
The first place they look is an internet site,
Where in a few seconds their eyes will alight
On hundreds of jobs from which they can choose,
Or apply for them all, for they’ve nothing to lose
Except for the time that it takes to complete
Online applications, and still stay upbeat.
One used to find something quite often by dint,
Of trawling through pages and pages of print,
Ticking off jobs that they felt they could do
Whenever they wanted to go somewhere new,
And then writing letters, quite often by hand,
Giving the details the firm might demand.
Or else spending hours on the phone to arrange
Interview dates, if they wanted a change.
Now it’s so different and quicker by far,
And few people realise how lucky they are.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Creating Things of Beauty

Creating things of beauty is a thing I like to do,
Whether it’s a living room that I’ve arranged anew,
A painting of a country scene in many shades of green,
Putting down on paper something beautiful I’ve seen.
An outfit I’ve designed and made with stylishness in mind,
Using for materials the finest I could find.
Arranging pretty bowls of flowers to decorate a room,
Ensuring that I’ve made the best of every leaf and bloom.
Embroidering a tablecloth with multi silken threads,
From shades of palest cream right through to vivid greens and reds.
A garden full of many flowers, all set in special rows,
That later will display a scene through which their beauty flows.
There really are so many things which can become the means
To create4 a work of art through which its beauty streams.

The New President

On Friday the US will finally see
A shiny new President, who’s known to be
Outspoken, outrageous, with many ideas
Which haven’t much helped him to calm people’s fears
That here is a man who will bring in much change,
Some of it hated, and some of it strange.
Who’s started by sacking a number of men,
Who’d thought they’d served faithfully up until then,
But now find that they’ve been removed form their roles
As part of his plans for achieving his goals.
None can be certain what now lies in store,
When the new President walks through the door
Of the White House, where he’ll be for 4 years to come,
A fact that is seen as disastrous by some,
Who hate all he stands for so much that they wept;
But this coming Friday, will have to accept
That he’s the new President, having received
The votes of the people, though they might be grieved.

Need for Peace

The world’s in desperate need of peace,
For all the wars and hate to cease;
For everyone to change their ways,
And evil thoughts from hearts erase,
Replacing them with views of life
Where there’s no place for violent strife.
For men could be much happier if
Nowhere was there the slightest whiff
Of anger, hatred, evil minds
Which in so many lands one finds
When one looks at the world today
And sees where evil still holds sway.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Instant Love

Maybe it was how she walked,
Or maybe it was how she talked,
Or how her dark hair softly fell
Perhaps her wafting floral smell,
Her smiling face, or twinkling eyes;
The rest of us can just surmise,
But he was suddenly aflame,
And never after quite the same,
As true love began to stir,
And all his mind was fixed on her,

Poor Little Trains and Buses

I takes but little to disrupt the trains and buses now,
As to the slightest problems found they very quickly bow.
Too hot a day will quickly cause some trains to cease to run,
As if the poor things cannot stand a normal English sun.
Another problem that can stop a sturdy English train,
Which might seem quite surprising, is a different sort of rain.
They also find they’ve problems with a different type of snow –
Even just a dusting can cause endless scenes of woe.
Leaves which from deciduous trees each year in autumn drop
Can be the cause of stressed out trains just coming to a stop.
Not only trains, but buses too, are not averse to flinch
At running when the snow in London reaches half and inch.
It really is pathetic when our weather’s fairly mild,
Our transport’s more affected than in countries where it’s wild.

Danger of Floods

Floods can sometimes be a threat to those who live beside the beach,
When their houses, usually safe, still lie within a high tide’s reach;
Tremendous storms can bring about the water crashing on the shore,
Rolling up across the front, accompanied by the wind’s loud roar.
When a red alert is issued all that owners then can do,
Is leave and hope the storm, abating, will reduce the high tide too.
Others living by a river also face the risk that they
Could find their homes are under water after heavy rains one day.

Not All Babies are Perfect

The birth of a baby can never be bad,
But sometimes the outcome can be slightly sad;
Instead of a healthy and beautiful child,
It’s born with a defect, which varies from mild
To very severe, and will likely require
A lifetime of care, so its future looks dire.
But they are still human, with souls from above,
And just a deserving of nurture and love.

Friday, 13 January 2017

The Latest Scandal

 Another scandal fills the news
As there are published someone’s views
That Mr. trump has – listen, ahoy,
Been a rather naughty boy,
Indulging in an illicit whirl
With an unknown Russian girl.
But even if the story’s true,
One just can’t blackmail someone who
Doesn’t worry what people think,
And wouldn’t care about a link
To some romantic Russian tryst
Being part of an assumed past list.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Women and Decision Making

Maybe there’s a need for women in positions where they can
Influence decision-making, casting eyes on every plan
With potential to bring problems into other people’s lives,
For it’s from unthought-out rulings, much unhappiness derives.
Women often think more clearly, well aware what they decide,
Never should be on the basis of their arrogance and pride.