It's great being able to walk to work,
And I must admit to the slightest smirk,
As I listen to colleagues telling their tales
Laced with endless grumbles and wails,
Of trains that are late, or don't even run,
Affected by frost or the heat of the sun;
Of signal failures causing delays,
Which happens, somewhere, it seems most days.
Or a passenger ill, so the train can't leave,
Until the one who's sick can receive,
The help they need; often minutes have passed
Before the train can move on at last.
Or the buses were far too full to get on,
And they had to wait for the next one along.
Or there was an accident; nothing could move -
'Tis like an old record, stuck in a groove.
Or roadworks, burst mains, or a gas leak or two
Meant it took ages for the bus to get through.
Traffic light failures, a sprinkling of snow,
Drivers on strike, or a scheduled go slow.
So many factors outside their control,
Mean stress is quite frequently taking its toll.
I hear all their moans, and am so glad that I
Are lucky to live in a flat that's nearby.
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