

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

The Election is On

The date’s now official; the election is on;
Any doubts that existed before have now gone.
The parties have chosen the people to stand,
And various strategies long have been planned
To ensure that their candidate right from the start
Is the one whom the voters will take to their heart,
And give them their cross when they reach polling day,
Not changing their mind to vote some other way.

The activists find that their lives are now ruled
By leafleting, door-knocking – they have been schooled
In how to ensure that the message gets through
To the many and not just the interested few.
Most parties can call on a small and loyal band
Whose commitment to working is currently fanned
By the thought that their efforts might bring about change,
Especially if victory appears within range.

They’re out in the evenings and weekends as well,
Trying their hardest their party to sell,
And trying their best to get people to vote
For those that look into it can’t help but note
That turnout can sometimes be far, far too low,
For any results to be able to show
The people’s real wishes; though someone gets in,
Their mandate may be unacceptably thin.

Very often there’ll be quite a number involved
From various parties, who all are resolved
To get the vote out for their candidate’s name;
Whatever their party, they work much the same.
And the message to all can be taken as read,
“From now until polling, it’s full steam ahead.”

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