

Thursday, 24 September 2015


Every child should aim to have at least one auntie in their fold,
Someone of their parents' age group, or even someone much more old;
Someone from outside the family, and an object of their love,
Someone who adores them also, and who always stands above
Any tensions in their home life, who it seems does not take sides,
But whenever it is sought, a patient listening ear provides.
Aunties give a chance to do more, as their invitations flow
To go to concerts or museums, a pantomime or country show.
Visits to the pool or seaside, fireworks or a busy fair,
Aunties  can be very active, and have lots of things to share.
They're also good at telling stories, singing songs and pushing swings,
Baking cakes and teaching knitting, along many other things.
They are always there to talk to, if occasionally life seems rough,
And for solving many problems, talking often is enough.
Whenever needed it is certain aunties will be always there,
And what's always most important, is that aunties really care.

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