The world's in a poor situation indeed,
And much of the problem's related to greed.
So many people want more all the time,
Their wealth and possessions must constantly climb.
They cannot be happy just having enough
But need to be endlessly buying new stuff.
To make sure their pockets are always well-lined
They'll grab all they can and they don't really mind
If their actions are honest, so long as they bring
More money, for they believe money is king.
They may not be criminals who go out and steal,
But happily join in a known dodgy deal.
They'll trample on colleagues to increase their wealth
What can't be gained openly they'll take by stealth.
Corruption is rife, as is bribery too,
And both of them make for an unpleasant brew.
Reducing man's greediness might be a key,
To help make the world a more safe place to be.
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