

Monday, 1 February 2016

The Wealth of Europe and the "Refugee" Problem

What can be done with the "refugee" tide,
Now growing and pressing on every side?
So many believing that Europe's the place
Where everything's free and no-one has to face
A future with hardship, up there in the North,
Where nothing is needed from them to bring forth
A home, education and medical care,
With plenty of money awaiting them there.
They usually don't know it was very hard work
By those in the past that's produced every perk
That Europeans have and they now can enjoy,
Which huge extra numbers might quite well destroy.
For European wealth flowed from effort and peace,
Plus cultural values which still do not cease
To have an effect on the work which of late
Has been the chief goal of each European state:
A goal towards which every one of them strives,
To provide for their people and cushion their lives.
Outsiders  just see all the goodies around
Which they want to have without paying their pound.
For the truth is that Europe has worked very hard
from the time when most countries by war had been scarred;
Not just to have peace, but take under their wing
Improvements that only good government could bring.
Perhaps the young men who are now every day
Flocking to Europe from lands far away,
Should think of returning, and working to build
An ethos at home so their country is filled
With people whose minds and  whole hearts are on fire
To provide all the benefits that they desire.

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