

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Memories from the Past

So many changes have occurred as decades have rolled by,
Even thought the time involved has really seemed to fly;
But looking back I’m well aware just how the world has changed,
As old traditions, life and ways for new have been exchanged.
Technology has played a part; there nothing seems to last,
As newer, better gadgets overtake those from the past
Some countries that one time were here have quietly disappeared;,
Likewise famous leaders who at one time were revered.
New states have suddenly appeared, which were not there before
Often born through armed revolt and other types of war;
Our enemies of yesteryear, may now not be the same,
As new alliances may mean they’re no more in the frame;
And on the more domestic front, so much is different now,
Many things forbidden once, the changed laws will allow.
And some things legal in the past are firmly out of bounds,
Plus neutral things like swapping lsd for pence and pounds;
Transport has seen changes, which include the newest trams;
Education too’s moved on, with many new exams;
Old shops that had been there for years have closed or moved away,
Replaced by endless multiples which line the streets today.
Housing has improved so much, compared to yesteryear,
But when the problem will be solved, it seems there’s no idea;
So much has happened in my life; I’ve seen so many things,
And having memories of the past is something old age brings.

Monday, 30 May 2016

Restocking the Freezer

A massive job, which has to be done –
Restocking the freezer isn’t much fun!
Endless chopping of onions and green,
Parsnips, potatoes, and leeks and beans;
Carrots and Swedes and red peppers too,
All of the things that one needs for a stew.
Filling up small plastic pots which will hold
Enough just for one and much smaller than sold
Also containers which hold a lot more –
The slicing and chopping can be quite a bore!
But finally all the restocking’s complete
And everything looks now quite pristine and neat.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Corpus Christi

Today is when we celebrate a very important fact,
That Christ gave all his people what they previously lacked,
That means of sacrifice which they would carry out for ever,
Joining them to Him with ties that none on earth can sever.
His flesh and blood are now our food which strengthen us to fight
For all the Christian truths that in our hearts we know are right.
Although it’s true each Mass enshrines the actions of Our Lord,
This is a special day when He in form of bread’s adored.
And we recall what’s central to our faith and worshipping,
As all process around the church and raise our hearts to sing
Of Christ who in His Sacrament we constantly revere,
A mighty symbol of the faith to which we all adhere.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

The Need for Night Tubes

It’s surprising how crowded the tube is at night,
At times when they should be a traveller’s delight;
Instead they are often full up to the brim
And journeys at midnight can be just as grim
As they are in the rush hour, when many must stand,
And numbers who squeeze in can get out of hand.
There’s really a need for the tube to still run,
So workers and those who’ve been out having fun,
Can travel much later and not have to rush
To make that late journey, in spite of the crush.
But now a year after they should have begun,
We’re getting some lines which are scheduled to run
On Fridays and Saturdays all through the night,
With other lines joining them later in sight.

Friday, 27 May 2016

The Value of a Common Culture

A country that gives up its cultural base
May very soon fin d itself having to face
People whose rootlessness means they don’t care,
With no real conception of having a share
In a group that encompasses all of the state,
For they now envisage a far different fate,
Where no-one is bound by a known common past
Which goes back for ages and all hope will last
Into the future, providing the glue
Which each generation will use to renew
A sense of belonging, of all being a part
Of one common culture, its music, its art,
Its history, its literature, way that they live,
What every person’s expected to give.
If this is destroyed a great many will find,
A stable society is soon left behind,
As everyone struggles to make their own way
With nothing to bind them to others who may
Share the same country, but not the same life –
That in the long-term may well lead to strife.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Four Weeks to Go

Four weeks exactly are left to decide
If we will continue the European ride,
Or whether we leave and proceed on our own,
With one thing being certain, we won’t be alone,
Whatever they say about losing our trade,
For it’s between people that most deals are made,
And that will continue outside the EU,
As every exporter will know to be true.
And leaving won’t cause all our wages to fall;
In fact if it makes any difference at all
It may be the reason they just slightly rise,
When Britons must take jobs they used to despise,
And won’t work for wages that used to be paid
To hosts of the poor-English speaking brigade.
And if we don’t have all the skills that we need,
It’s also certain, both sides should concede
That highly skilled workers still welcome will be
Whether we vote to remain or if we
Should vote to depart and to make our own way,
When it comes to the voting four weeks from today.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Changing Viewpoints

It would be nice to live in a land bought
Where all politicians made a stand
For what they believed, instead of as now
Changing their viewpoints by the hour.
So many change to suit the crowd,
Forever  saying clear and loud
What they think people want to hear,
Living always in constant fear
They’ll say something wrong and lose support,
Of groups that they know they could have bought
If only they’d picked up all the cues
And made them think they shared their views,

Ideas for Writing

Ideas flit endlessly to and fro,
Following me wherever I go,
Crying out to be written down,
Set in the country and set in the town;
Meant for adults, or babies or teens,
And all the many inbetweens;
Poems and plays and sketches too,
Covering subjects old and new;
Short, short stories and longer books –
Ideas are there wherever one looks,
Just waiting for someone – perhaps it’s me,
To write about all that they think and see.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

We All Need More Time

We all could do with more hours in the day,
To give us more much needed time for play;
Work takes so much, and that cannot be changed,
Nor can it usually be re-arranged;
Travelling as well for most people is fixed,
As with all the hours of our work it is mixed.
There’s shopping and cooking and cleaning as well,
Which affect nearly all, wherever they dwell.
Then there is sleeping, which takes up a third
Of all of our hours, and can’t be deferred.
So most of our time has an organised form,
And that in the world of today is the norm.
But it would be nice to have every day,
A few extra hours for relaxing and play.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Over Sixty Years as Head of State

Most of the people around today
Are much too young to be able to say
It’s fixed in their memory when the Queen
Started her reign, and now is seen
As the greatest monarch that Britain has known,
With more than sixty years on the throne.
If you look at Europe it soon is clear
That no other head of state comes near
The length of time the Queen has reigned.
And the stability she’s maintained.

Going out to Dinner

A chance to go out to a friend’s place for dinner –
No need to cook or to risk getting thinner!
Just pick up a bottle of nice-sounding wine,
Often just judged by the label’s design,
For I am no wine buff – I really don’t know
For which of the hundreds of types I should go.
Dress up, of course, for I need no excuse
To put my best clothes and really look spruce.
Leave home quite early – I do hate being late,
So right on the dot I’ll be opening the gate.
And then just enjoy hours of talking and food,
Which doubtless as usual will also include
Plenty of laughter, discussions and chat
Spread between eating and drinking so that
The hours pass so quickly it’s hard to believe
The clock when it shows that it’s now time to leave.

Friday, 20 May 2016

We're Lucky

We’re lucky we don’t have disasters that plague other countries so much,
Like cyclones, tsunamis and earthquakes, heatwaves and similar such;
We don’t get the vast devastation which regularly seems to occur,
In some less fortunate nations, which nought can be done to deter;
No floods that span millions of acres, sweeping whole cities away,
No fires raging over the country, while they struggle to keep them at bay.
No, just minor temperature changes which keep us in talk all the time,
For the interest we take in the weather is something that’s almost sublime.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Heavy Rain on the Window Pane

I love the sound of heavy rain,
Pounding on the window pane;
Driven by a violent gale,
It does all in its path assail,
Blocking out my normal view,
As I no longer can see through
The lashing rain; but I don’t care,
For to me there’s beauty there.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


The arguments go back and forth – should be leave or should we stay,
And at the moment it appears the voting could go either way;
Suggestions fall from leaders lips that leaving could bring World War Three,
And “out” could easily result in bankers making moves to flee.
Others say that leaving would soon bring an end to all our trade
With all the EU countries, leaving us languishing in the shade,
Unable to export our goods, and possibly to import too
Without the payment of the duties that would then be quickly due.
Crime would rocket as our policemen couldn’t check with other states
Details of their well-known criminals and their just as crooked mates.
We’d have far less power and standing in the world were we alone,
An island off the coast of Europe, soon becoming weak, unknown.
There are also those who proffer quite the opposite points of view,
Those who think that we would gain so much by leaving the EU.
That we’d have the chance to govern Britain outside EU law
And their constant interference would affect us never more;
Trade in future would continue, just as it has always done,
As business firms deal with each other – that’s the way the world is run.
EU workers would remain here. and of course there’d still be some
Who’d arrive with skills we wanted,  just no large crowds more would come,
How the vote will go’s uncertain; one thing though is fairly clear,
We need some accurate facts and figures as the voting date draws near.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

When Good Men do Nothing

It’s everywhere true that again and again
Wrong things continue for none will complain;
Everyone knows, but they turn a blind eye,
And let all the wrongdoing just pass them by.
Sometimes it may be too minor to care,
And they really do feel that it’s not their affair.
But all far often, it’s major and so
It should be reported, not just left to grow.
One thinks of the breaches of safety at work,
Where those in authority wantonly shirk
Their duty of care to the workers who may
To a serious injury later fall  prey.
Or hospitals where this is little hygiene,
With no efforts made to keep everything clean,
And patients get ill, and the death rate is high,
But most people tend to just turn a blind eye.
Or where there is fraud, that is on a large scale,
Where everyone knows, but for some reason fail,
Despite it being something they’d never defend,
To take any action to cause it to end.
So many people just live with the view,
That getting involved is not something they do.
They may not approve, but that’s not the same thing
As using their knowledge and efforts to bring,
Some changes about, so that things that are wrong,
Are stamped out and do not continue for long.

The Need for Buses

Those who are drivers so often can’t see
That buses are needed and always will be
For all of the people who don’t own a car,
For what seem short distances may be so far
That even the fittest will very soon baulk
At having no option each time but to walk.
It must be remembered by all for a start,
That stations are mostly some distance apart,
So it’s not just a matter of getting the train,
With such a short walk that no-one could complain;
But leaving the station quite often with dread
At the thought of the lonely long walk that’s ahead.
So buses are needed, all over the place
So those without vehicles do not have to face,
The problem of walking, perhaps late at night,
Carrying bags that soon feel far from light.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Freedom is Precious

Freedom is a precious thing we need to closely guard,
Refusing to allow the creep of more things that are barred.
Suggested changes may be small, just minor things as such,
And taken on their own might seem to hardly matter much;
But as our freedoms are reduced, each time a tiny mite,
We’re moving slowly to the point they disappear from sight.
Towards a state where no-one dares to even give a hint
Of what they’d really like to say, and papers daren’t print.
Where actions are very much curtailed, and secrets firmly banned,
With interference from the state controlling people’s lives,
And hardly any freedom as we knew it still survives.
It’s so important people work and strive in order they
May keep the precious freedoms that we still enjoy today.

Working to Pay for Hobbies

How many people really like the job they do all day,
Rather than just waiting for the hours to pass away?
Of course there are some jobs providing stimulus and fun,
Where no-one cannot wait until the working day is done;
But there are many thousands which employees only do
Because it’s simply that or find they’re in the jobless queue.
Their work is boring, badly paid, but still provides enough
That in their spare time they can be involved in other stuff
That really is of interest, and in which they then can find

The things that every person needs to stimulate the mind.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Out of Luck

Just when I’ve found some clothes that are right,
They’ve stopped producing them overnight.
I thought I’d just order some more of the same,
The size and style and also brand name.
But when I looked, they were not on the list
And now I’ve discovered that I have missed
All chance of buying the same thing once more
For it’s discontinued – oh what a bore!

Now We are Married

The future beckons; there’s so much to do
As now I start to share my life with you.
Before we married we had separate ways
Though we were close there still were many days
We did not meet, or text or even phone,
With your need to often work alone.
It did not matter for we knew our love,
Seemed as if sent to join us from above.
But now we’re married, we can plan ahead,
To a brighter, happier future lead,
By knowing we’re together from now on,
And both our days as singletons are gone.

Memories of Music in the Park

The sound of music drifting through the air
Reminds me of the times we used to share,
Those afternoons in summer in the park,
Which sometimes did not end until ‘twas dark,
Listening to the music from the stand,
Perhaps some singers or a lively band.
And when they all had finished for the day
We’d still remain and quietly listen to
Hours of music, songs both old and new.
Those happy days could not forever last,
And they are now just something in the past,
But I recall them every time I hear
The sound of music wafting sweet and clear
Across the park, the scene of happy hours
Within the distant past that still is ours.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Making a Pro-Life Britain

Education is the key
If Britain’s ever going to be
A pro-life country where each child
From conception’s always styled
A human being; no room for doubt,
Although they have just started out
On life’s long journey, which should lead
To ripe old age; with Britain’s creed
Of treating everyone the same
Though too small to have a name,
They can grow in peace and calm,
Knowing they are wished no harm.
So many people aren’t aware,
And at the moment do not care
That life is one continuous route,
On which being born is just the fruit
Of their sojourn in the womb,
A place of  safety,  not a tomb.

Against Euthanasia

Some countries have passed laws
Which allow anyone, child or adult,
Who is feeling depressed
To ask to be killed,
As a way to escape their misery.
No thought is given to the fact
That when someone is depressed,
They are not rational.
They cannot see things clearly
As all their thoughts are taken up
With how they feel,
Their utter despair,
Their feelings of hopelessness,
The vast black hole towards which they’re heading.
Life seems meaningless,
Encouraged by the new laws to see death as a way out
Some will ask for it,
Without ever being in a fit state of mind
To know what they’re doing.,
And they will get it.
But depression is very common
And usually passes,
And people move on to new things.
But for those who have chosen death as a solution
There are no new things,
No future in which to achieve their dreams.
Wouldn’t it be better to see depression as what it is,
A temporary condition,
Which needs treating
Just like any other illness,
And to help those feeling suicidal
To see that life is worth living,
That they also are loved,
And wanted,
That they also have a future,
Which awaits them as soon as they’ve recovered.
For once a person is dead, there is no going back,
There is no second chance
No opportunity to put the past behind them
And move on
And do all the things they’d planned before they became ill.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

The Daffodil Season is Over

Vases of daffodils graced all my rooms,
Those wonderful, cheerful and colourful blooms,
Bunches of which in the shops every year
Some time in February start to appear.
As one of the cheapest of flowers to be found
They’re perfect for buying and spreading around
Every room in the flat, so wherever one looks
On tables and sideboards and out of way nooks
All sorts of vases will quickly be seen
Topped with large splashes of yellow and green.
But after some weeks there at last comes the day
Usually some time as one moves into May
When daffodils cannot be found any more
In markets or sold in a much larger store.
They’re finished until once again they’ll appear
When February comes in the following year

What Being Pro-Life is About

Being pro-life is all about
Getting the pro-life message out.
No more standing quietly by
With just the faintest murmuring sigh
At what pro-choicers have to say,
But make an effort every day
To tell the truth, help make it known,
To everyone, not you alone
If all pro-lifers took a stand
Proclaiming daily throughout the land
That unborn children are human too,
And so to them is also due
The rights belonging to everyone
Including the unborn daughter or son.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

A Government's Duty

A government’s duty, make no mistake
Is very simply to undertake
To provide for the safety of all who live
Within its borders, and to give
All its attention to making sure
Their people feel they are secure
In every way, so they’ve no fear
Disaster may be lurking near.

A Failing Church

A church where everyone sits apart
May often lack a beating heart;
There may be a few who line the pews
Of varying shades of belief and views,
Who see themselves as being the church,
But none of them are in active search
To deepen their faith, much less begin
To sally forth and bring others in.
They want their church to always stay
Just as it is, for that is the way
They like it to be, with just a few
Always sitting just one to a pew.
If there’s no-one who will strive
To change the culture and keep it alive
Eventually as the years pass by
Attendance will fall and it may die.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Painting the Windows

Winter’s not the time to paint
The windows for it well might rain,
Before the paint has fully dried,
Making your efforts all in vain.

But summer is too nice to spend
Hours indoors with paint and brush
Doing a job which needs some care
And which you really shouldn’t rush.

So it’s a job that tends to be
Put off until another day,
Hoping vaguely that in time
The need to paint might go away.

More Good News Needed

Why can’t there be just a little bit more
Of news about all of the good things in store
For people now living and looking ahead,
Who might like to hear of some good things instead
Of the usual plethora of everything bad,
Which only contributes to make them more sad.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

The Advantages of Music to Children

Music can provide a chance
For quiet, shy children to advance
In confidence and sense of worth,
As singing over time gives birth
To skills they never knew they had,
So that later they’ll be glad
The joined a choir which brought them out
And showed them what life’s all abut,
Being a part of bigger things,
With all the love and joy that brings.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Summer is Better

When warmer, longer days arrive
Everyone feels more live;
Gone is winter’s dismal cold
With summer weather taking hold;
And bringing once again the light
Extending up til late at night.
Summer clothes can now replace
The woollies that all must embrace
To counter winter’s damp and chill
Which are enough to make one ill.
But now that summer-time is here,
Nearly all feel full of cheer,
Ready to enjoy the days,
Strengthened by the sun’s warm rays.
Unfortunately, the time will come
When once again, days long and glum
Will be a part of people’s lives
For winter every year arrives.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Many think diversity’s an excellent idea,
But though it may sometimes be good, it can induce much fear,
For people like to mix with those with whom they feel at ease,
Knowing they can be themselves and say whate’er they please.
Confident their values will be shared by all around,
Who have a common culture, through which they all are bound.
But when they’re faced with people whom they really feel they must
Be wary of, because unsure how far they can them trust,
Uneasiness, distrust and fear can very quickly start
Within a group’s dynamics, to play a major part,
As people tend to gravitate instinctively to where
They have a chance to be with those with whom they largely share
A common way of life and thought, for usually one finds
That is the glue that everywhere a group together binds.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Differing Attitudes

Some religions recommend
Their followers should just defend
Their own beliefs when they’re attached,
By proclaiming every fact
So others know what they believe,
And thereby hope they can achieve
An understanding which will draw
Those people to discover more.
Though they’re certain they are right
They do not see the need to fight
Or use brutality to force
Other people to endorse
Their way of life and faith in God,
To them compulsion would seem odd.

Some other faiths think differently,
As everyone today can see,
As every type of force is used,
With people murdered and abused
Appalling, to make them change
And their historic faith exchange
For something which they can’t accept,
An alien culture which has swept
Though their land and tried to force
All other groups to change their course,
For they see their sacred role
Is working for their final goal
Which by violence they’ll achieve
Of making all the world believe
In the precepts they proclaim,
For world conversion is their aim.