

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Many think diversity’s an excellent idea,
But though it may sometimes be good, it can induce much fear,
For people like to mix with those with whom they feel at ease,
Knowing they can be themselves and say whate’er they please.
Confident their values will be shared by all around,
Who have a common culture, through which they all are bound.
But when they’re faced with people whom they really feel they must
Be wary of, because unsure how far they can them trust,
Uneasiness, distrust and fear can very quickly start
Within a group’s dynamics, to play a major part,
As people tend to gravitate instinctively to where
They have a chance to be with those with whom they largely share
A common way of life and thought, for usually one finds
That is the glue that everywhere a group together binds.

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