

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

The Reporter's Job

It's definitely not the job for one
Who want his days to always run
Smoothly and calmly till five o'clock,
The sort of person who loves to mock
Those who work on past their hours,
In whom a creative spirit flowers.
Reporters are people who adore
A varied life, where there is more
To interest them, than there would be
In many other jobs they see.
On any day they can be sent
To cover a story or event;
Whatever the editor happens to feel
That to their readers will appeal.
Bazaars and summer fairs, perhaps,
But also things like the sudden collapse
Of law and order in the street,
As rioters there with policemen meet.
Crime will often form a part
At any local paper's heart.
Reporters need to get around,
Ensuring that they know their ground,
And are aware of what's afoot
So that they can always put
Their copy in, immediately,
The latest news for all to see.
Endless energy has a part
In any good reporter's art,
For often working very late
Is part and parcel of their fate.
Lunches missed - that may well form
A pattern that becomes the norm.
Endless meetings, just in case,
Something of interest shows its face.
Listening to endless tales of woe,
That from individuals flow.
Out and about, come sun or hail,
Good reporters cannot fail
To get the story, just because
The winter weather surely was
A sign to stay in, where warm and dry,
They could just let the hours pass by.
But a job as reporter must entail,
Ignoring all the rain and hail.
If what you want is a peaceful life,
Devoid of any stress or strife,
Then this is not the job for you,
Better find something else to do.
But if variety's what you seek,
A feeling that by the end of the week
Life's been different, life has been fun,
A reporter's job may be just the one.

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