Traffic wardens have to spend their time out on the streets,
Though they rarely are the sort that everybody greets
With cheery smile and knowledge that they're pleased that
they are there,
Instead it's much more likely they'll get hatred or despair.
For there is never space enough for all the cars to park,
And that's where traffic wardens for the most part make
their mark,
Issuing their tickets to all vehicles that are not
Left there by their owners in the designated spot,
Which isn't in the middle of a very busy road,
Even for a short time while they pick up or unload.
They also issue tickets where the meter isn't fed,
By those who think they have the right to park there free
They also watch for speeding, those who fly along the street,
Forgetting all the danger that they pose to all they pose to
all they meet.
Traffic wardens also note old vehicles which are left,
Sitting there for months on end, all lonely and bereft.
Most drivers do not like them, feeling they are there to
Never ending trouble by enforcing driving laws.
But if we did not have them there'd be chaos on the roads;
Of double parking everywhere there'd very soon be loads,
Slowing down the traffic so it moved at just a crawl,
Which those who make the most complaints then wouldn't like at all.
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