The time has come around again
When one spends endless hours in vain
Searching for presents that one can give
To someone who will never forgive
Still once more some soap or socks,
The usual biscuits or Christmas chocs.
And what do you buy for an elderly aunt
Who's dearly loved, but certainly can't
Be given the same old thing again
When she's made it clear she has a yen
For something different to make her feel
She's young again and full of zeal.
And uncle who's well past his prime
And says he wants no gifts this time,
But you're aware he secretly,
Expects you to ignore his plea.
And then the children, who want to much,
They really are quite out of touch
With what things cost; though they're adored,
Their favoured gifts you can't afford.
Parents too can be a pain,
If they produce the sad refrain
"I don't want anything at all",
Knowing that you will not fall
To taking them literally at their word,
And acting just on what you've heard.
Problems can arise with friends,
Where often giving soon descends
To swapping soaps and scents and creams -
Hardly the stuff of Christmas dreams.
But if this all sounds very true,
Perhaps there's something you can do
Ignore them all; this year be bold
Give vouchers to both young and old.
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