

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

The Need for Children

Babies are a precious thing, and they are always needed;
Advice to have just one or none should largely go unheeded;
For that would mean the time would come when most were very old
With no-one young to work and pay - a sad sight to behold.
For it's a fact and one which every person now should know
A country needs a constant stream of children who will grow
To take the place of those who've aged and can no longer work;
In countries without children many dangers soon will lurk.
For there'll be many people needing help of every kind,
And with a shortage of the young, they'll very quickly find
There are too few to work and pay for all those who've retired;
A generation of the young is what is now required,
Which they'd have had if only they had valued children more
And in their youth been happy to be blessed with three or four.

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