

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Improving Heating for the Elderly

Tens of thousands of elderly people die each winter form lack of heat,
Faced with the fact if they turn up the fire they won't have the money for something to eat.
For so many houses and flats in this country are not designed to keep out the cold,
Something that's fine for the young and the healthy, but can be a problem for those who are old.
The cost of heating in winter's horrendous: only the well-off can simply ignore
The way every year from the onset of winter, all energy bills start immediately to soar.
Those who are fit can just put on more clothing and keep themselves warmer by moving about,
But that's not an option for most older people whose frailty means that they never go out.
What's needed for houses is  they should be draught-proof, with good insulation to keep the heat in,
While at the same time an assessment of costings for heating all old people's homes should begin.

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