

Monday, 7 December 2015

Left and Right

I don't understand how one firmly ascribes
The terms left or right to political tribes,
For most are quite mixed in the views that they hold'
Their leaders would certainly if they were polled
Profess their support without shadow of doubt,
For things that their party should not be about
If they were the heirs of the left or the right,
And kept all their former ideals still in sight.
Higher wages for workers? That surely should fall
In a leftist remit, and not right wing at all,
But the question of wages can be double edged
And some right wing parties are quite firmly pledged
To improving the lot of the whole working class,
Demanding improvements that far would surpass
The claims of the left, who would naturally seem
The focus of most of the workforce's dream.
Then there is capital; there on the left
Are many rich people who don't see as theft
The taking of profits the workers have made,
Who don't feel ashamed of the fortunes they're paid.
It's said that the right favours foreigners out,
With people who're always quite willing to shout
That jobs should be their's and not taken by those
Who come from abroad; they would like to impose
Restrictions on anyone coming to stay,
So virtually all would be kept far away.
But left leaning parties can also agree
They don't want more people, for they clearly can see
They're certainly likely to take every job
That's fairly unskilled, and that would soon rob
The locals of work that they always have done,
Which often might mean they were left then with none.
Rather than using the terms left and right,
Perhaps we should constantly keep in our sight,
The fact manifestos will often collide,
But also quite often they stand side by side.

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