

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Six Days since Brexit

It’s six days since BREXIT; the UK’s still here,
And one gets the feeling there’s little to fear;
Some people may rant and proclaim it’s all doom,
And all should be filled with depression and gloom;
But those of us looking with eyes open wide,
See signs which make us look forward with pride;
New trading agreements, replacing the old,
Bringing the Commonwealth back in the fold;
Joining the Nordics more closely than now;
No-one in export would ever avow
That people won’t trade with us now that we’ve said
We’d rather in future not be Brussels led.
The Poles will all stay here as long as they want;
We’ll have with the EU a friendly détente;
Our fishermen likely will prosper once more,
Though one can’t be certain just what is in store;
Laws can be passed which will profit just us,
And we will be free from a great deal of fuss
Involved in ensuring we always comply
With things set by Brussels we’d rather pass by;
With no need each year to send vast sums abroad
We may find in future that we can afford
A better health service, and help for the poor,
Which many might think has a lot of allure.
Of course there’s uncertainty with something new,
But those who see only doom haven’t a clue
For there is no chance that Great Britain will drown,
But rather will flourish, once things settle down.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Victorian Drains

It may be summer, but still it rains,
Which affects the ancient drains,
Causing them to overflow,
From water rising from below.
It former times the drains were fine,
Built to an adequate design
To cope with the much smaller use
That fewer people would produce.
But now today, they cannot cope,
And in the future cannot hope
To deal with all the increased load,
That on them is now bestowed.
They need renewing, so that they
Can meet the needs of drains today.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

In-Work Benefits

There’s something quite wrong when it’s clearly the case
That minus their benefits, millions would face
A perilous life, where they could not afford
The tiniest room; it’s so often ignored
Just how many people, who’s work is low paid,
Could not exist without much Government aid.
And that is so wrong; all people who work
In full-time employment, with no thought to shirk,
Shouldn’t have to claim benefits, so they can live;
Their wages should be on a level to give
Enough for a reasonable standard of life
For those who are married with children and wife.
Food may be cheap, but rents are so high,
Millions of people just couldn’t get by
Without claiming benefits, often quite large,
To pay to their landlords who quite often charge
More than the total amount that they earn;
So claiming is something huge numbers can’t spurn.
In addition to rent there are other large bills,
Which still must be paid by all those with low skills.
Council Tax, Water Rates, heating and fares,
Replacement equipment and cost of repairs;
And while there are benefits, firms can all say,
There’s really no need that they offer more pay,
For if all their workers can’t live on that rate,
They simply can go and apply to the state
To give them the money they certainly need;
Which isn’t desirable, most would concede.
It would be much better if workers were paid
Sufficient to live on without Government aid.

Monday, 27 June 2016

What Happens Now?

The people have spoken; so what happens now?
Is it totally certain the government will bow
To the will of the people, who’ve voted to leave,
Or will many feel they’ve a right to believe
That most people’s knowledge is not up to speed
And what all those voters now desperately need
Is the chance to reflect and to learn more about
All of the problems there’ll be if we’re out.
But maybe they’re wrong, and the people knew well
What they were voting for; that time will tell;
But MPs should realise they shouldn’t ignore
Great swathes of the countryside’s views any more.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Will Britain be just the First?

Will Britain perhaps be just the first
Of many states who feel they’re immersed        
In the grip of a tyrant that’s Brussels based,
With the result they find themselves faced
With loss of sovereignty, which they dislike
And so they will decide to strike
A blow for freedom, and vote to leave
The EU dream, that they’ve come to believe
Is not about trade, but a super-state
With rule from Brussels being their fate.
With Britain having voted out,
It seems quite likely, without a doubt
That other states will start to think,
That they might be better breaking the link
With the ever-encroaching Brussels and so
Have a vote, and vote to go.
And if it happens there may be more,
Who feel there’s a better future in store
If they opt out, and leave the EU,
Which, of course, they’re entitled to do.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Divorce from the EU

A time of turbulence seems to be
On the horizon, now that we
Have voted to move from the EU scene,
Although there may be years between
The vote and the actual time of divorce
For there’s a lot to do of course
Before it’s final, and things return
To something normal; meanwhile we’ll learn
As days go by how much will change
As politicians seek to arrange
An orderly exit, one which will
As far as possible, fulfil
The need for still remaining friends,
After the EU treaty ends.
Only a wise, all-seeing sage
Could make predictions at this stage,
About events in years ahead;
All that most can do instead
Is look at the facts and try to guess
Those most relevant, and address
Where they might lead in EU terms,
What contradicts and what confirms.
And always there needs to be kept in mind
That in the future one may find
That the whole great edifice may fall,
So there is no EU at all.

Thursday, 23 June 2016


When first I knew the love that you
Bestow on all who walk your way
My life was changed and from then on,
Your guiding light lit up each day;
No longer was I searching for
The meaning of this life on earth,
As there had entered in my soul
A knowledge of a second birth.
That lead me to a different life,
One that is focussed all on you,
From whom I gain so much each day
To whom my adoration’s due.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Taking down the Rubbish

Twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays, last thing at night and just before bed,
There is a job nearly all must partake in, one I have come just so slightly to dread;
It’s sorting the rubbish and bagging the items, making up two fairly large plastic bags,
One for recycling paper, plastics and metals, the other for items from food scraps to rags.
When they’ve been filled and the tops firmly knotted, down all the stairs they then both have to go  
To join all the other bags patiently waiting out on the pavement three storeys below,
Where they will sit overnight until morning, when very early the dustmen will come,
To pick up the rubbish from all of the houses, leaving behind, it is hoped, not a crumb.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Left or Right

Most parties do not neatly fit
Into one side, but are often split
Between what’s thought as left and right,
For it should never be lost to sight
That all descriptions concentrate
On what they love or what they hate;
So those wanting wages to quickly rise
Often may be praised to the skies
By left wing groups who fail to see
On how many topics they disagree.
“Stop immigration” might seem right wing,
But socialist workers often cling
To the old idea that migrants will
Take all the jobs that require no skill.
Benefit cuts might well be seen
As being from the right, and very mean,
But communist countries on the left
Often saw idleness as theft.
Many people would agree
That nationalism’s supposed to be
A right wing leaning, but one can find
Socialist countries so aligned.
Although it might seem slightly bizarre
The truth is political parties are
A mixture of policies left and right,
Rather than being either black or white.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Walking the LOOP

Briskly walking in a group,
Covering miles of the London LOOP;
Seeing places before unseen,
Becoming conscious of just how green
Much of London is in spring;
A sight to which we all can cling
When winter comes and everywhere
Most of the trees again are bare.
A hundred and fifty miles in length,
It could be said its greatest strength,
Is that it’s mostly on the flat,
So one can walk it, knowing that
There won’t be lots of hilly parts,
That one must finish if one starts.
Its footpaths run along canals,
On river banks and shady dells;
Through grassy meadows, woods and fields,
And every stretch of path reveals
Something new, that’s worth a look
In open space or shady nook.
One can walk it all year round,
And every time there will be found
Something new to catch one’s eye
When stopping or just passing by.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Murder of a Politician

It’s sad when an innocent woman is killed,
That the dreams of an unbalanced mind be fulfilled;
It may be the case that he targeted her,
His aims, on the other hand, possibly were
Just to attack, and it turned out that she
Was the one that was there, and not you or me.
We don’t know at present the whys of the crime,
Though these will emerge there’s no doubt in due time,
Political? Maybe, but then maybe not,
For we’re in the dark still regarding just what
Was driving his brain to commit an attack,
On an innocent woman who couldn’t fight back.
Someone who only desired to do good,
And who in the twenty-first century should
Have been able to walk through the streets without fear
That a dangerous attacker might one day appear;
But until all the facts have come into the light
And the true explanation is then within sight       ,
The best thing to do is to just wait and pray
For her husband and children on their tragic day.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

The Artist in Me

The artist in me wants to spend
Practically the whole weekend
Painting, writing, sketching too
Creatung ever more things new.
Reality though often means
I’ve much to do behind the scenes;
Shopping, cleaning, cooking meals;
All that helps to oil the wheels
Within a home and keep the peace –
Work I know will never cease;
And so I can’t devote long hours
Top painting scenes or drawing flowers,
But as I have long-since found
They must be fitted in around
All the things that must be done,
If a home’s to be well-run.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

The Happy Tramp

Has anyone stopped to consider that some tramps might prefer,
Rather than move to a house or flat, to stay just as they were;
Free from all interference, except when they’re asked to move on,       
Spending a day in a district, and then the next day being gone.
Knowing well all the good places where there’s a chance of a bed,
As well as some nice warm corners in which to lay their head;
All the best places to scavenge to get three meals a day,
So they are never too desperate to keep hunger pains at bay;
Then there’s the friendships with others, who share in their life on the road,
Who also have the distinction of being of no fixed abode.
Exempt from all of the worries that go with a modern life,
The endless petty niggles, and sometimes more serious strife;.
No need to think of gas bills, or telephone charges to pay,
And all of the rates and taxes, which won’t ever go away.
The constant hassle of working, and all of the stress that entails,
The need to deal with officials, if the job-hunting effort fails;
They much prefer independence, just living their life as it comes,
With no-one to dictate the lifestyle they happily share with their chums.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Fit Active Ageing

When a person’s just fifty they’re really still young,
And haven’t yet stepped on the very first rung
Of the ladder that starts when a person is old –
They’re not even close to the elderly fold.
At sixty they’re maybe approaching the time
When they can start thinking one day they must climb
On the very first step of the journey which leads
To a life which in general more slowly proceeds.
At seventy they may be still feeling fine,
And confident old age is far down the line.
At eighty as well, many people don’t feel
Being thought of as elderly’s part of the deal.
At ninety, perhaps, they might want to slow down.
But still don’t like wearing the elderly crown.
That’s for the old, of a hundred or more,
And they’ve got another ten years left in store.

Monday, 13 June 2016

The Need to Wait

Whenever there’s an incident it’s better that we seek
To find out what the facts are, before we start to speak;
So often first impressions are a long way from the truth,
And speaking without thinking is a well-known sign of youth,
And can sometimes cause trouble, as some people may react
To what is merely guesswork, but which they assume is fact.
It’s better to delay a speech, until we’re more informed,
By which time our initial thoughts may well have been transformed.
Too many people rush to give their thoughts without a clue
About the wider picture than’s initially in view;
It happens all the time as people want an instant quote
To interest their listeners and keep news programmes afloat.
But it often would seem better to just wait a while and see
And then present a reasoned view, whatever that might be.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

A Pick-Up Drink Needed

A cup of coffee’s what I need
To bring my brain cells up to speed;
Too long have I been sitting here,
And hoping ideas would appear,
But nothing’s happened, so I think
What I need is a pick-up drink,
A cup of coffee, freshly brewed,
So my brain will be renewed.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Ninety Years

Ninety years and still at work;
The Queen was never one to shirk,
Since she ascended on the throne,
The duties that are hers alone.
Her workload still is more than most
Of half her age could really boast
That they could cover, all the while
Keeping a calm, unhurried smile.
Her life has witnessed so much change
As she’s dealt with such a range
Of different people, different ways,
Which have occupied her days.
At a time when nearly all,
Have answered their retirement call,           
Feeling that they’re now too old
To be within the working fold,
The Queen goes on just as before,
Fulfilling every job and chore
That go with her being Head of State;
Her duties there will not abate
But will go on, it is quite clear      
Though she gets older every year.
Heads of State in other lands,
Though they may have many fans,
Usually come and go quite soon;
Her many years as Queen are strewn
With leaders who were passing through,
And soon replaced by someone new.
But she goes on, and let’s hope we
In ten years’ time are here to see
Her hundredth birthday – what a date,
For our marvellous Head of State!

Friday, 10 June 2016


A welcome escape from the daily grind,
A time when work is left behind,
And one has the chance to go away
And just enjoy every hour of the day.
No need to rush to get in on time,
And getting up late is for once not a crime;
No hassled commute in an over-packed train –
Both in the morning and then home again;
No need to rush to ensure the work’s done,
Instead if one wants to, just laze in the sun;
A time to relax, keeping stress levels low,
Even ignoring how fast time will go.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

The Result of the Referendum

The referendum’s getting nearer – have the pollsters got it right?
Will it be, as they’re predicting, very much a close-run fight?
But with those “Remain In” voters  getting just a fraction more
Support from all the country’s voters, giving them a final score
Which means that Britain stays in Europe, now until the end of time,
Something that with loads of people and their many friends would chime.
But it could be they’re mistaken, and the “Leave” share will come through
With that longed-for higher figure, giving first place in the queue;
What will happen if the counting shows the “Leave” vote well ahead,
Something many politicians if they’re honest really dread?
Only time will show the answer; meanwhile we must wait and see,
When the votes have all been counted, what the end result will be.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Changing Fashions

Fashions come and fashions go
As modern women all will know;
Last year’s length’s completely changed
And styles completely re-arranged.
As newer fashions now appear,
Quite different from the ones last year.
But through you’ve gone and bought some more,
Replacing those you wore before,
If you’ve room you really should
Keep all those that are still good,
For fashions change and time will come
When new designers will succumb
To resurrecting those old styles,
And in your wardrobe you’ll have piles
Of what’s become the latest trend,
And all without the need to spend
A fortune in a new campaign,
To wear the latest once again.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Loss of Freedom of Speech

The way things are going the time will soon come
When people who think will be forced to be dumb,
And not say aloud what they know to be true,
If a government feels that they don’t like their view
On a whole range of topics, which stretch very wide,
And the government takes on itself to decide
What people can say, or can write in the press,
So thinkers must operate under duress,
Omitting to say what they really believe,
While hating the series of lies they must weave.
But freedom of speech has been part of the law
Of most modern countries for ages before
The start of the twenty-first century change,
When topics forbidden can now often range
From religion to politics, people and race,
So many subjects don’t now have a place
For open discussion, with sharing of views,
Leaving their hearers to listen and choose
What they feel’s right from the things they have heard,
Without all the arguments forcefully blurred
By fairly strict censorship, which always seeks
To curtail the freedom of a thinker who speaks.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Tackling Stress through Self-Employment

What we need is much less stress
Caused by constant busyness
With things outside our own control;
It really needs to be our goal
To be in charge of what we do,
Something that will be quite new
To all who slave at others’ call,
With little choice, or none at all,
In how they organise their days,
Just doing what the boss man says,
Often over-worked but still,
Feeling they can’t leave the mill,
Forgetting that there still survives
A group who have less stressful live,
Who’ve decided that for them,
Self-employment is a gem;
Their income may not be as large,
But it means that they’re in charge.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Achieving Goals

Time is swiftly moving on
And soon the year will be half gone;
And when you look at where you are,
What have you achieved so far?
Some can say they’ve done a lot,
Filled in every intended slot.
Others may have done a bit,
As through each day they quickly flit;
But too many people will have to say
All their time’s been frittered away,
Just idly living without an aim,
With every passing day the same.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

The Post

Some older people say the postman never brings them any mail,
So why is it that in the mornings, almost daily, without fail,
I receive a pile of letters, not just bills but other things
Of many varied shapes and sizes, which my friendly postman brings?
Letters from old friends and family, those to whom an email still
Remains a strange and modern mystery, and a quite un-needed skill.
Catalogues from shops I’ve bought from, often ages in the past,
Hoping that another order might be sent their way at last.
Charities I once supported, sending details of their work,
With requests for further monies, also in the pile might lurk.
Various types of information, that’s produced by local groups
Letting people know about things, also through my front-door troupes.
Missives from those institutions which I actively support,
Charities whose work may range from babies’ welfare through to sport.
There is rarely any morning when there’s nothing in the post,
And from what the postman’s carrying, I receive the same as most.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Choice of Shoes

If one has many pairs of shoes
It’s often difficult to choose
The pair one feels would look the best,
As opposed to all the rest.
Should they match the skirt or blouse?
Or would a different shade arouse
Feelings one was very chic,
Which is something women seek.
Flats or heels – it all depends
Where one’s destination ends.
Heels are always very smart,
And of course they play a part
In giving women extra height,
So they’re more in people’s sight,
But as every woman knows,
They aren’t kind to knees and toes.
Flats are better if one must
Walk a lot, and isn’t fussed
About not looking quite so tall,
Especially if one is quite small.
Buckled, laced or just slip-on,
Or sandals now that winter’s gone;
It is so hard to choose a pair,
When there’s dozens sitting there.
So I think that I will make
A quick decision and just take
The nearest pair which looks okay
With my outfit for today.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Lying Politicians

We’re all aware that politicians often lie to get our vote,
Whatever are their thoughts in private, they put on a different coat,
When they’re out among the public, especially in election year,
Saying what they think the people in the country want to hear.
That’s the way to catch the voters, pretending that they share their views,
Hoping when it comes to voting, it is they whom they will choose.
Only afterwards they’ll discover, that their politician’s lied,
And their vote has gone to someone who has views they can’t abide,
And who’ll forget what he has promised once he has been voted in,
And his several years in office then is ready to begin.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

The Importance of Free Speech

Very important is freedom of speech,
The right of all to proclaim and teach
The truth, however it may annoy,
Some of the people, who do not enjoy
The truth being told, and would prefer
That writers and artists would defer
To what they want, which is the right
To keep all criticism out of sight.
In many states at the present time,
To mock their leader’s  a serious crime,
Beside which many begin to pale,
With threats of a longish spell in gaol.
Many leaders are not keen
On truth being told, for that might mean
Their grubby lives and ways laid bare,
For they are all too well aware
Of just how much they have to hide,
To keep the people on their side.
But everywhere there’ll always be
Writers working to be free
And in their souls they truly long
To let the world know what is wrong.