It’s six days since BREXIT; the UK’s still here,
And one gets the feeling there’s little to fear;
Some people may rant and proclaim it’s all doom,
And all should be filled with
depression and gloom;
But those of us looking with eyes open
See signs which make us look
forward with pride;
New trading agreements, replacing
the old,
Bringing the Commonwealth back in
the fold;
Joining the Nordics more closely
than now;
No-one in export would ever avow
That people won’t trade with us now
that we’ve said
We’d rather in future not be Brussels led.
The Poles will all stay here as
long as they want;
We’ll have with the EU a friendly
Our fishermen likely will prosper
once more,
Though one can’t be certain just
what is in store;
Laws can be passed which will
profit just us,
And we will be free from a great
deal of fuss
Involved in ensuring we always
With things set by Brussels we’d rather pass
With no need each year to send
vast sums abroad
We may find in future that we can
A better health service, and help
for the poor,
Which many might think has a lot
of allure.
Of course there’s uncertainty with
something new,
But those who see only doom haven’t
a clue
For there is no chance that Great Britain
will drown,
But rather will flourish, once
things settle down.