

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

The Happy Tramp

Has anyone stopped to consider that some tramps might prefer,
Rather than move to a house or flat, to stay just as they were;
Free from all interference, except when they’re asked to move on,       
Spending a day in a district, and then the next day being gone.
Knowing well all the good places where there’s a chance of a bed,
As well as some nice warm corners in which to lay their head;
All the best places to scavenge to get three meals a day,
So they are never too desperate to keep hunger pains at bay;
Then there’s the friendships with others, who share in their life on the road,
Who also have the distinction of being of no fixed abode.
Exempt from all of the worries that go with a modern life,
The endless petty niggles, and sometimes more serious strife;.
No need to think of gas bills, or telephone charges to pay,
And all of the rates and taxes, which won’t ever go away.
The constant hassle of working, and all of the stress that entails,
The need to deal with officials, if the job-hunting effort fails;
They much prefer independence, just living their life as it comes,
With no-one to dictate the lifestyle they happily share with their chums.

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