

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

In-Work Benefits

There’s something quite wrong when it’s clearly the case
That minus their benefits, millions would face
A perilous life, where they could not afford
The tiniest room; it’s so often ignored
Just how many people, who’s work is low paid,
Could not exist without much Government aid.
And that is so wrong; all people who work
In full-time employment, with no thought to shirk,
Shouldn’t have to claim benefits, so they can live;
Their wages should be on a level to give
Enough for a reasonable standard of life
For those who are married with children and wife.
Food may be cheap, but rents are so high,
Millions of people just couldn’t get by
Without claiming benefits, often quite large,
To pay to their landlords who quite often charge
More than the total amount that they earn;
So claiming is something huge numbers can’t spurn.
In addition to rent there are other large bills,
Which still must be paid by all those with low skills.
Council Tax, Water Rates, heating and fares,
Replacement equipment and cost of repairs;
And while there are benefits, firms can all say,
There’s really no need that they offer more pay,
For if all their workers can’t live on that rate,
They simply can go and apply to the state
To give them the money they certainly need;
Which isn’t desirable, most would concede.
It would be much better if workers were paid
Sufficient to live on without Government aid.

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