

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Might Less Government Improve Mental Health?

Mental illness is much more a problem today
Than it was in the past, and it seems here to stay;
The age range has steadily lowered until
Even young children now start to feel ill;
The reason might be we’re now much more controlled
Than was the case for most people of old,
When families were left to get on with their lives
Unhampered by time-wasting new government drives’
Form-filling, paperwork, endless demands
Pass almost daily through citizens’ hands,
As officials ensure that they cannot but know
Big brother is watching wherever they go;
Things might improve if the government spied less,
For all this surveillance increases their stress,
And stress  is well-known to affect mental health,
Quite unrelated to level of wealth.

Friday, 29 July 2016

No to Named Persons

Holyrood is very keen to give each child a spy
Who’d be there from time of birth as childhood years pass by,
Listening to idle talk and making endless notes
Recording every thoughtless word a hapless infant quotes.           
Reporting things they do not like within the children’s homes
So that after eighteen years their files may run to tomes.
Taking if they feel that something is not right,
Even though it may be wrong just purely in their sight,
For many taking up the job may well be rather strange,
But with a liking to control all those within their range.
But it is obvious how this scheme would harm all children’s lives,
Destroying all the privacy on which each family thrives.
Parents will be frightened to speak freely in the home,
In fear of any thoughtless word which from their mouth might roam.
For though each family’s different in their approach and ways
Most children can look back in joy upon their childhood days,
Where there was security in an atmosphere of trust,
Which if this scheme is introduced will quickly turn to dust.
Of course some children are abused and help should be at hand,
But not by such intrusion in all households in the land.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

An Alternative

Exams are quite important, as certificates thus gained
Ensure that certain standards are continually maintained;
But while they are an asset and are useful as a rule,
Many famous people have spent little time in school;
But though their years of formal study did not last too long,
Their thirst for gaining knowledge was unquestionably strong;
They had enquiring minds and liked to think and puzzle out
How things worked and what the world around them was about;
Not all jobs are open to those lacking a degree,
And several extra years may be at university,
But many people would be better served if they were led
To get a job and learn the skills they needed there instead.

Affirmative Action

“Affirmative action” - it sounds very nice,
But it’s something that definitely comes at a price;
It assumes that some people are not very good,
And therefore to help them, all colleges should
Lower their standards, so they can get in;
To at least some minorities, this is akin
To singling them out, with a firm view that veers
To saying they aren’t quite as bright as their peers;
And of course if employers become well aware
That standards were lowered, so they could get there,
They won’t want to hire them, if others apply,
Who didn’t need help with  exams to get by;
Their qualifications will come to be seen,
As worth a lot less than they might well have been
If they hadn’t had help just because of their race,
But through their own efforts achieved a high place;

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Solutions must be Found

When will politicians learn
They need to look till they discern
A way to stop these vile attacks,
Which mean no person can relax,
Even when they go to church;
Our leaders must increase their search
To find solutions so that we,
From fear of violence can be free.
For it’s a government’s job to keep
Their people safe, with not a bleep
When bombs go off, or other crimes
Disturb what should be peaceful times.

Monday, 25 July 2016

The Labour Party has Problems

The Labour Party currently is in a dreadful mess,
Not helped by all its latest news appearing in the press,
So everyone is well aware how much they disagree,
With all the bitter arguments laid out for all to see.
The numerous resignations by MPs right at the top,
Which Jeremy as leader found impossible to stop;
The snide remarks abounding that are music to the ears
Of Tory politicians, hoping they’ll go on for years;
The obvious lack of loyalty shown by those who’d never thought
That Jeremy would win the vote, however hard he fought.
They felt the £3 members would refuse requests for more,
But even with an eight-fold rise, they still came through the door.
At present Jezza’s at the head, with nothing much behind,
And with the current membership, he’ll very likely find
That he’ll remain the leader, but with little left to lead,
As many of his MPs cannot tolerate his creed

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Old Friendships

It isn’t right to ditch old friends as soon as someone new
Appears and seems to offer more than those old friendships do,
Forgetting that old friendships that have been around for years,
Sharing all the joys of life, and also all the tears,
Have proved their worth in steadfastness, and presence when in need,        
Showing they aren’t fly-by-nights, but solid friends indeed.
But there are people who will drop their old friends if they feel
A new friend offers something more exciting and more real;
But often that new friendship is short-lived and quickly dies,
And they are left regretting just how swift was its demise,
They turn to their old friendships, but by then they may be gone,
For having been rejected, they have possibly moved on.
The same is true of countries, who go after newer friends,
If this means that with other states their long-time friendship ends
For if the new friend fades away, and is their friend no more,
They may not still be wanted by the friends they had before

Summer Idyll

A bright sunny day with a hint of a breeze,
With no sound of traffic, just humming of bees
As they call on each flower gaily showing its face
And spreading the scent which pervades the whole place.
A sure sign that summer’s appeared at long last,
And cold dismal weather belongs in the past;
It’s time to enjoy the warm sun once again,
Before it’s replaced by the frosts and the rain.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Modifying DNA

Sometimes defects can’t be known
Until a person’s fully grown;
So when altering DNA
No scientist can truly say
Everything is fine until
Many have been through the mill,
And when they died at eighty plus,
It seemed there was no need to fuss
About affects in all those who
Received components that were new.
But until then one must beware
Of dangers that could well be there;
For testing things on rats and mice
Which is the usual advice,
Doesn’t every time produce,
Exact results for human use.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Intense Heat in Summer

The sun beats down on all not in the shade;
There’s nothing in its path it won’t invade,
And make it hot. sometimes too hot to touch,
Especially things like metals, wood and such.
The ground becomes too hot for human feet;
The bricks of walls absorb the burning heat,
And in the night continue on their way
Of sending forth the heat there stored by day.
The roads may melt, and trains have problems too,
Both of which may be entirely due
To temperatures much higher than the norm,
Till they’re brought down by a summer storm.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Fake Coups

It’s not unknown for rulers in some lands to engineer
Attempted coups to show that they have every right to fear
The dissidents and others who are lurking everywhere,
Waiting very patiently until the time they dare
To suddenly arise and try to oust the people’s choice,
Putting in a new man who will represent their voice.
But not all coups are real ones, and among the ones that fail
Some are merely fake ones, so the government can derail
Any thoughts of changes to the leader of the day,
Giving them the chance to put all dissidents away,
Rounding up opponents, and all others in their sights
Who might be merely working for just basic human rights.
Searching very thoroughly amongst their detailed files,
Arresting tens of thousands and with most perfunctory trials
Finding they are guilty, maybe executing some
And ensuring all the others aren’t around for years to come,
Silencing the press and forcing bloggers off the net,
Trying to keep hidden views they haven’t seen to vet.
A fake coup can be useful in consolidating power,
With the current leader being the hero of the hour.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Need for a National Youth Movement

Children need a focus in their lives, to help avoid their minds being led astray;
Something that will occupy their time, and help ensure temptation’s kept at bay;
Activities to fill the many hours, both after school and during holidays,
Something to look forward to each day, and maybe sometimes set their hearts ablaze;
Showing there’s a life where gangs and crime are not essential to provide a role,
Showing there are other things to do, and other paths and views they can extol.
Of course it would be costly to set up, but if results were looked at over time,
It might be money that would be well spent, if it produced a lowering of crime,
Together with young people filled with hope, and skills to take along to adult life,
Instead of languishing in sink estates, where drugs and crime are currently so rife.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Planes in the Night

I love to watch the plans at night
Till they vanish out of sight;
Through the darkness they all fly,
Their lights atwinkle in the sky;
They pass a dozen times an hour,
A potent sign of modern power,
Transporting people everywhere,
Rich and poor, they all are there.

Sunday, 17 July 2016


Another country has a coup,
Which really isn’t something new,
And no-one should look on aghast
If they have had them in the past.
In many places it’s the rule,
A coup is seen as rather cool;
Elections never bring a change,
So colonels frequently arrange,
Often while he is abroad
To oust the presidential horde.
They may then govern for a while
In normal military style,
Until they feel that they’re compelled
To say elections should be held,
And then the people can elect,
The man the army chiefs select.
Dictators often tend to stay
Forever if they have their way;
And it’s usually true of course
The army is the only force
With any hope they can achieve
The aim to make the leader  leave..
So they plot a coup they hope
Will be successful, giving scope
To take control and once again,
Install more sympathetic men.
But if it fails they can expect
Retribution to take effect.

Saturday, 16 July 2016


They never stop within their flight
To land and give a nasty bite,
Or for a single second pause
To leave some germs where they can cause
Some nasty illness, as is the case
With the common housefly race.
They simply come when it is warm
And in a rather obvious swarm,
And landing on the pavement lie,
Till tramped on by passers-by.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Causes of Crime

And while in places this is true, it isn’t all the time;
Many people who are poor are honest as the day,
And thoughts of turning criminal just never come their way;
They don’t indulge in violence and would never start a fight;
Despite their lack of money they can tell what’s wrong from right;
Their principles ensure that they live lives beyond reproach,
Where anti-social acts are not permitted to encroach;
And there are many wealthy men, including billionaires,
Who feel the right to steal and cheat is definitely theirs;
They pay their staff low wages, while they cream off all the cash,
By varied and intricate schemes, to build a bigger cache;
Their wealth grows bigger every year as lawyers all ensure
No-one can prove they are but crooks, who often rob the poor.
The wealthy can be violent too, as often has been shown,
And beating up their rivals even now is not unknown;
It isn’t poverty that drives the rich man on to steal,
He doesn’t need the money to provide a needed meal;
Nor does it make him violent, with a temper which is short,
Threatening all the people who within his world are caught.
Men are rarely drawn to crime through any actual need,
But due to lack of principles and self-control and greed.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

An Aim

Each day of our lives we should make it our aim
To do something different, instead of the same;
So learn some new facts and increase what we know,
So  helping our bundle of knowledge to grow;
Do a good deed and thus help make the world
A place where kind acts every day are unfurled;
Visit a place that you think you’ll adore
But haven’t been able to visit before;
Join a new group, with the chance that you’ll meet
People from further afield than your street;
Be slightly artistic, create something new,
Written or painted, to mention just two;
Pay compliments freely and make people feel
The idea of goodness is very much real;
Think always of something to make all your days,
Special and different in large or small ways.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

A World of Change

We live in a world that is changing quite fast,
Where little if anything’s certain to last;
Once vibrant industries now have closed down,
Leaving quite desolate many a town;
Political systems have crashed to the ground,
Which once were assumed would be always around;
Old customs have vanished, replaced by some new,
Remembered in time by no more than a few;
Alliances change, and the friends of today,
May be looking tomorrow a quite different way;
Many trades of the past now no longer exist,
And obsolete skills form a very long list;
Life’s pace is increasing, and time is so short,
And many are finding they lack the support
Of a world which is stable, where changes are few,
And they don’t have to constantly cope with things new.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Will the EU Change?

Will we leave the EU?   Or will the EU change?
To some at first those questions might well seem a little strange,
But there are many countries who aren’t happy any more
With where the EU’s going and just what there is in store.
The French, the Dutch, Hungarians now feel they’d like   to see
A different type of outcome to the one proposed to be;
The Danes, the Swedes and Austrians all think that too much power
Is being devolved from nations to the mighty Brussels tower;
The Poles as well aren’t happy as they realise it is clear
The prospect of an EU state could easily be near;
Italians also have their doubts about the a super state,
And if that were to come about, just what would be their fate.
So there are movements for reform, and halting Brussels’ race
To see that these arrangements will continue on apace;
It could be that they all will work to change the EU’s goal
Remembering it was once about just trade in steel and coal;
And focus on a trading bloc, which most would like to see,     
With all the members closely linked, but leaving them still free.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Rain in July

Faced with yet more pouring rain,
It’s “brollies up” yet once again;
Even though we’re in July
It seems there’s not a day goes by
Without at least a few small drops,
While other days it hardly stops.
By that of course I do not mean
That there’s no sunshine in between,
But rain quite often just appears,
Comes pelting down and then it clears;
But that’s enough to soak you through
From hair right down to squelching shoe.
When going out, make sure that you
Always take your brolly too

Uncertain Futures

What lies in the future, we none of us know,
Or where our own lives are for certain to go;
We all can make plans, but there’s no guarantee
That what we’ve envisioned is what we will see,
Especially at times when the world is awash
With changes that all far too quickly can squash
The plans one has made, and require that one make
Completely new plans for the path one will take.        
The best one can do is prepare to be faced
With a world that is changing, rather than based
On one which is stable and always the same,
And make being adaptable part of one’s aim.

All Women

On Wednesday all the papers say,
Our new PM’s Theresa May;
With all the others left the race,
She’s the only one in place
To take the reins without a vote,
Become the captain of the boat.
And when that happens there will be
A most unusual group of three,
With Nicola at Scotland’s helm,
And Arlene in the Ulster realm.
All it needs is just one more,
And then there’d be a group of four,
Which could happen should Welsh Leanne
Lead all against the Labour clan.
Then history really would be made,
And politics would be less staid,
With all the UK women-led;
Is that something that could spread?

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Dark Streets

The streets of central London are well-lit throughout the night,
So those with bad intentions can’t with ease stay out of sight;
There may be some dark corners they can hide in for a while,
But staying out of sight for long would take an expert’s guile;
And then there are the cameras taking pictures all the time,
Ready with their images of nearly every crime.
But out of central London often streets are badly lit
With lengthy spaces spanning where the lonely lamp-posts sit.
The pavements are in darkness, and it’s very hard to see
The face of any person who’s attempting there to flee.
Of course there are no cameras looking down from every wall;
In fact it’s highly likely there’s no camera there at all.
Though streets without good lighting can be safely walked as well,
There’s always just a tiny thought that one can never tell,
For there are spaces everywhere that criminals can hide,
And one is glad to reach the door and safely step inside.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Untruthful Politicians

I briefly read the papers and surprise, surprise, surprise,
Another politician has been caught out telling lies;
They really must be silly if they think that they can feed
A constant stream of fiction to the public and succeed
In making them believe it, when the journalists can check
If they were the captain or a lowly hand on deck.
So many make themselves appear much bigger than they are,
Claiming that in former life they really did go far,
Even if the truth is that their progress there was small,
And they had almost no responsibilities at all.
Others top their learning with degrees of every kind,
Even though they mostly are just figments in their mind.
And then there are the ones who seem they never are averse
To stating something is a fact, then later the reverse,
At one time they could get away with telling blatant lies,
But now they can’t hide major things from journalistic eyes.
When checking is so easy, it is really quite bizarre
A politician should tell fibs to make himself a star.
It makes one wonder if they are as bright as they proclaim.
Or if the truth is nearer to inadequate and lame.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The Changing Length of Days

The longest day has now been passed,
And evening light from now will last
For less and less time every day
As slowly dark nights make their way
Towards the shortest day each year,
Which in December will appear.
And after that it all will then
Begin its changes once again,
With there being every day more light,
Together with a shorter night.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Work Gets in the Way

There’s so much more that I could do if work weren’t in the way;
I’d have three times as many hours for hobbies every day;
For doing things like writing, reading books or landscape art,
Going swimming, hiking or to concerts for a start;
Singing, taking photos, cooking different types of food;
The list is really endless, for there’s so much to include.
Going out on day trips, to museums, and to plays –
There’d never be a shortage of new things to fill my days;
But everything costs money, and so work must have a place,
And hobbies and activities must have a smaller space.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Imagine Another Ice Age

Imagine another ice age, like the one in the recent past,
Which started very quickly and ended just as fast.
Within the length of a decade, the climate turned bitterly cold,
And people just had memories of the warmer weather of old.
Ice and snow abounded as the mercury plummeted down,
And people died in their thousands in every village and town.
The crops were unable to ripen in the worst of the ice age years,
Bringing mass starvation to add to the people’s fears.
No-one knows what caused it, though a volcano made it worse,
And many people alive then thought the earth was under a curse.
Then suddenly the climate changed to what we have today,
But there’s no guarantee how long it will remain this way.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Letters are Safer

It’s nice getting letters with up-to-date news
The latest in gossip, the writer’s own views
On subjects to interest to you and to them,
The paragraphs littered with many a gem.
It’s so much more private than email as well,
For no-one can hack into letters and tell
The world what’s been said in a private exchange
Where views being expressed may conceivably range
From the highly provocative through to mundane,
The logically argued to slightly insane.
So it’s better to write if one really prefers
The contents stay private, no leaking occurs.

Saturday, 2 July 2016

It's Important to Stay Healthy

It’s very important to say fit and healthy,
More vital in life than to seek to be wealthy,
For illness can go a long way to destroy
The pleasures of things one would hope to enjoy.
So one should take care to look after one’s health
Before the objective of gaining great wealth;
Then one can enjoy life with all that it brings,
The greatest events or the simplest of things.

A Woman for Prime Minister

This may be the year when the time has now come
To end seeing women as just slightly dumb,
And instead look around for a feminine hand
To stand at the tiller and govern the land.
For women are often more careful than men
In thinking things through, and especially when
Much is not clear and it’s quite hard to know
Where the results of decisions might go.
Women more often are used to the role
On keeping a focus on more than one goal.
They’ve had to be strong, with a grip on affairs,
For a chance to be leader to ever be theirs,
For people still judge them more harshly than men,
Quoting all failures again and again.
Women in general tend to be clam,
Realising anger can often cause harm.
They don’t tend to shout and to say “Look at me”,
And constantly scheme to be top of the tree.
But under the quietness you’ll frequently find,
Ability linked with a razor sharp mind.
So maybe a women might be the right one
To lead us all forward and see things get done.

All babies have Someone who wants Them

There’s someone out there with a welcome in store
For every new baby not wanted before;
For though to some mothers a child means despair,
If one looks around there’ll be someone out there
Who’d love a new baby, and see all its charms,
And welcome it gladly straight into their arms.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Relaxing in the Garden in Summer

A glass of wine and a riveting book,
The sight of flowers wherever you look;
The twitter of birds as they hop around - 
Always a more than welcome sound;
The hum of bees among the flowers –
So much a part of summer hours;
A seat located in the shade,
With a rug or cushions overlaid;
Various scents which waft through the air,
Making you very much aware
Of the beauty of perfumes out-of-doors,
Whose presence makes you stop and pause;
A feeling of peace, so rare today,
That you might hope is there to stay.