

Sunday, 17 July 2016


Another country has a coup,
Which really isn’t something new,
And no-one should look on aghast
If they have had them in the past.
In many places it’s the rule,
A coup is seen as rather cool;
Elections never bring a change,
So colonels frequently arrange,
Often while he is abroad
To oust the presidential horde.
They may then govern for a while
In normal military style,
Until they feel that they’re compelled
To say elections should be held,
And then the people can elect,
The man the army chiefs select.
Dictators often tend to stay
Forever if they have their way;
And it’s usually true of course
The army is the only force
With any hope they can achieve
The aim to make the leader  leave..
So they plot a coup they hope
Will be successful, giving scope
To take control and once again,
Install more sympathetic men.
But if it fails they can expect
Retribution to take effect.

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