

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Will the EU Change?

Will we leave the EU?   Or will the EU change?
To some at first those questions might well seem a little strange,
But there are many countries who aren’t happy any more
With where the EU’s going and just what there is in store.
The French, the Dutch, Hungarians now feel they’d like   to see
A different type of outcome to the one proposed to be;
The Danes, the Swedes and Austrians all think that too much power
Is being devolved from nations to the mighty Brussels tower;
The Poles as well aren’t happy as they realise it is clear
The prospect of an EU state could easily be near;
Italians also have their doubts about the a super state,
And if that were to come about, just what would be their fate.
So there are movements for reform, and halting Brussels’ race
To see that these arrangements will continue on apace;
It could be that they all will work to change the EU’s goal
Remembering it was once about just trade in steel and coal;
And focus on a trading bloc, which most would like to see,     
With all the members closely linked, but leaving them still free.

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