

Friday, 7 October 2016

Turning Points

Most people have experienced a point which marked a change,

When former routines ended and they had to re-arrange
Certain aspects of their lives, as they were moving on,
The future now was beckoning; the past was something gone.
Maybe it was marriage, and the start of a new life,
As one half of a couple, as a husband or a wife.
Perhaps a new profession, which involved a great deal new,
Which meant that they had to concentrate on different things to do.
Perhaps it was an illness or an accident which caused
A drastic change in lifestyle, meaning life for some time paused.
The need to care for parents, as their health began to fail,
Progressing from an active life to being extremely frail.
Going back to college, and a student’s life once more
When last time they had studied was so many years before.
The day the children all left home, and they at last were free,
To do just what they wanted, whatever that might be.
So many things within a life can mark a point where they
Started on a different path from that the previous day..

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