

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

The Hustings

I went to the hustings, hoping I'd hear
The views of the candidates, loud and clear,
So i could listen and carefully take note,
To help me decide about casting my vote.
Many questions were asked, straightforward and brief,
Nothing to cause any one of them grief,
Such as "Do you agree that our hospital should close?"
And out of this question from all them arose
A speech on the subject, - I'm sure you can guess -
Of the state and their plans for the whole NHS.
A question on transport brought forth the response,
That improved on street parking's what everyone wants,
And although things at present are slightly a mess,
They're all minor problems they'll quickly address.
Should Britain remain in the EU or not?
Most talked round the issue, not saying a lot,
So one was left feeling they didn't quite know
Whether Britain should stay - or perhaps we should go.
They waffled and waffled and chose to ignore,
The point of the questions as put from the floor.
They gave the impression they rarely felt bound
To deal with specifics, but merely talk round
The subject in general, so no-one quite knew
At the end of their answer just what was their view.
When the hustings were over, I was still in the dark,
And still unsure where I'd be placing my mark.

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