

Friday, 10 July 2015

A Reading Group Chooses a Book

What shall we read?   It can be quite hard
Deciding the books we should firstly discard,
So those still remaining we all have agreed
Are volumes that most of us wanted to read.
Fiction or not?  There's much to be said
For choosing an item that no-one will dread,
And non-fiction's often far harder to like,
So maybe this moment's the one where we strike
All books off the list which are lengthy but true,
Even if most of them seem fairly new.
So it's now down to fiction, but still endless choice,
To find just one book in which all will rejoice.
Before it was romance, so maybe this time
We ought to consider a master of crime.
Or sci fi or horror, which some there prefer,
While others are certain that that would deter
Their reading of what we have chosen to do
They're sure that they won't even quickly skim through.
Historical novels are favoured by some,
While others feel strongly the time has now come
To read something modern, not set in the past,
For they tend to look at those somewhat aghast
And find them so boring, as they can't relate
To things that aren't set in a more modern date.
Adventure perhaps?  Or westerns might do,
But someone's decided to veto those too.
The group leader sighs and then puts in her oar,
Announcing that all that the library's in store
Are a classic and one which has won an award
So whether or not people feel they'll be bored
That's all there’s to choose from, so which shall it be?
Unless they all buy one, in place of being free.

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