

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Yes, Prime Minister

"Yes, Prime Minister" certainly has
A big dash of humour and razzamatazz'
Set in the centre of government where
Reside quite a number of people who dare
To do the outrageous and if they're caught
Cast their eyes round to see who can be bought
Or blackmailed if that on the menu that time,
With past indiscretions or even some crime.
Sir Humphrey is devious; that is for sure
He loves to hold power that will always endure.
PMs are so fleeting; they come and they go,
But he stays in office as past him they flow.
He says he's impartial, and that could be true,
For it would most definitely be nothing new
If someone like Humphrey just looked round to see
And asked the lone question: "What's best for me?"
Bernard is learning, with still much to learn
Before he is confident he can discern
How to manipulate PMs and thus,
Get what he wants every time without fuss.
He's put down by Humphrey, who feels he is weak,
Omitting when younger to actively seek
A good university, where he would gain,
A Classics degree just as he did obtain.
Jim Hacker's the PM and he likes to think,
That he is in charge and is not one to shrink
From making decisions some people won't like
The sort that might cause many millions to strike,
Upset all our neighbours and generally give
Every opponent a reason to live.
Sir Humphrey's determined that things will not change
Unless he is for it, while he's within range,
To influence policy, make sure all laws
Are very unlikely to give any cause
To damage Sir Humphrey, who really can't wait
Until a nice pension drops down on his plate.
Between them there's scheming and devious tricks
Underhand dealing, as everyone sticks
To gaining what's best for themselves with great style
Despite that they all are pretending the while
Their country's their interest; no thought for themselves,
It all sounds so good till some journalist delves
Beneath what they tell to the people out there -
The truth?  that is something they just wouldn't dare.

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