Some say all faiths are much the same, but that is not the
And that there are vast differences, is something all must
Some emphasise a single God and never would condone
The worship of another being, but only him alone;
Others feature many gods from which to pick and choose,
And worshippers can focus on the ones that suit their views;
Some faiths make much of peacefulness and foster love and
So people when they are in need will know there’s someone
Others focus more on war, with thoughts that never cease
To dream of battles to be fought, instead of love and peace.
Some faiths give equal rights to all, with men and women
Encouraged to participate in all religious growth.
Others tend to concentrate, as it is quite well-known
On worship which, outside the house, is just for men alone.
Some worship is completely quiet, with nothing said or done,
While other groups appear to think that worship should be
Some faiths demand that all convert and follow in their
And for aggressive preaching they have nothing else but
Then there are the other faiths that are a different coin,
Which tend to be more tribal and are very hard to join.
Some govern every aspect of adherents’ daily lives,
From what they eat to where they pray and how they treat
their wives.
Such submission would to others seem extremely odd,
For all that they demand is one believes and trusts in God.
People’s aim in life and view of heaven varies much,
With some faiths not accepting there’s an afterlife as such.
So it simply is not true that every faith is much the same,
Though often when it’s stated, lack of knowledge is to
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