

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Learning from the Past

A knowledge of the past is needed if one wants to understand
What is happening in the present in so many a foreign land;
For people have behaved for centuries, and many still behave today,
When faced similar situations, in very much the same old way.
Time’s moved on, but people haven’t; they react to fear and hate,
Just the same as did their ancestors at a past far distant date.
If one knows a people’s history, one can take this all on board,
And be conscious of what actions well might strike an awkward chord.
Many politicians stumble through their lack of history,
Knowing little of most countries’ national family history tree.
Or they have no realisation of what’s likely to result
From their actions, and are certain, the ensuing trouble’s not their fault. 
They blunder in with good intentions, usually quite unaware
Many of their predecessors in the past were also there.
But they have failed to learn the lessons, as they’ve not looked in the past,
To see what actions lead to problems and the ones that tend to last.

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