

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Real Refugees

To many people a refugee
Is someone who has had to flee
Because of danger to life and limb
Or oppressions’s become so grim,
They can’t be expected to tolerate
Conditions in their native state,
And when they flee their journey ends
The first safe place, which usually tends
To be a country based nearby,
Where by Law they must apply
For asylum, that they may
In that nearby country stay.
A large proportion will likely be
Women and children who had to flee
While their men stayed back to fight,
For  the things they know are right.
But refugees today it seems,
Are mostly quite young men, whose dreams
Lead them to demand that they
Can in a wealthy country stay.
It isn’t safety that they seek
But a life which is less bleak,
They’re seeking a land where compassion’s strong
And welfare’s been established long,
So they can benefit from years
Of that country’s toil and tears,
For countries have had to work to be
The prosperous places today you see.,
And if large numbers get a ride,
Down the  table they will slide.

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