So many beggars on the streets,
The people one so often meets
Sitting there with arm outstretched
Holding a plastic cup they've fetched
From somewhere so that passersby
Can as they walk along supply
A steady stream of coins which they
Hope will grow throughout the day.
Some beggars ask for twenty pee
To buy themselves a cup of tea,
Even though it is the case
Though it is hard to find a place
Where one can buy a cup of tea
For any less than eighty pee.
Some have babies in their arms
Something which they hope disarms
The people who would pass them by
If they didn't attempt to try
And make them feel a pang of guilt
And their lack of pity wilt.
Some have very clearly sunk
Down to the level of always drunk;
No matter what the time of day
Their smell of beer and gait display
That giving money is no use
Their problem's of alcohol abuse.
Many come from life in care,
A situation often where
They gained no skills to live alone,
Outside their care protected zone.
Others say they have no home
And on the streets are forced to roam.
Sometimes this may be quite true
For homelessness is nothing new
Among the young, who want to live
In cities which they hope will give
A more exciting life than they
Could find in small towns far away.
Reality then shows its face,
For cities often aren't the place
For people with no job of flat,
But many haven't realised that
Until they find themselves adrift,
With little hope that they can lift
Themselves out of the downward spin,
Reversing the current state they're in.
City life knowledge is often flawed,
Especially in those come from abroad.
For many it's not lack of wealth
But serious issues of mental health;
At one time most of them could cope,
But modern life gives them no hope.
For few jobs now will take account
Of the actual fact their skills amount
To very little, but they could still,
A limited role in work fulfil.
Some have an aggressive tone,
Especially to people who're alone;
They can intimidate and more,
Frightening the nervous to the core.
But usually beggars just sit there,
Often with a vacant stare,
Their attitude if anything
Pathetic more than threatening,
What can be done? There would not seem
An easy way to achieve the dream
Of making sure that no-one feels
They have to beg to buy their meals.
It wouldn't be possible to arrange
A single solution, for beggars range
Across the width of human life,
With all its problems and constant strife.